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Back-to-School Guide: 14 Tips to Help Children Transition

The summer season is wrapping up and soon the kids will be back to school. From backpack tips to knowing when it's best to stay home sick, here is everything you need to prep your kids for going back to school.

Tips for back-to-school healthy eating

It’s 6 a.m. on the first day of school and you stare into the empty lunch boxes before you. Cute, “pinnable” lunch plans turn tohealthy lunch计划转向现金爆炸计划。你不是一个人。许多父母每天都在打包午餐。使用这些技巧来创建healthy school lunchesyour kids will actually eat.


Back-to-school shopping is just around the corner, and one of the hardest-working items your child will need is a背包。The backpack is used every day and needs to handle a lot of abuse as children throw them on the ground, weigh them down with books and travel to and from school with them. Not to mention, the strain that an ill-fitting backpack can have on your child’s back. Choosing the proper backpack can help your child maintain good posture and help avoidback pain和numbness or weakness in the arms and legs.

当您上商店和返校销售时,这里有三个提示可确保您buy the perfect backpack

How to prepare for potential allergies

While some symptoms ofallergiesare mildly annoying, others can be extremely uncomfortable and even life-threatening. The causes of allergic reactions can vary from person to person, so it’s important to understand and recognize the symptoms and know how to treat them. As your child heads back to school, check out these tips torecognize, prepare fortreat food allergies

The importance of sleep when going back to school

Most parents have experienced it—the dreaded bedtime battle. As soon as donning pajamas is mentioned, kids dig in their heels and arm themselves with a list of excuses to avoid slumber. But experts say that battle-weary parents should not give in becausesleep is crucialto a child’s well-being and success. Check out these articles to learn more about the importance of sleep:


When the first sign of a stomach bug or severe cold enters your house, it can feel like a ticking time bomb. In a short matter of time, your entire household could succumb to the illness!

From sleepless nights and missed days at work and school, short of buying everyone in your family a hazmat suit, you may wonder if it’s safe to send your kids to school when fighting off an illness. Check out these articles to learn more about themost contagious childhood conditions和how to know when it's safe to send your child back to school.

Tips for kids who need to take medication at school

Children who need to take medications at school may face obstacles from time to time when it comes to managing and living with their conditions. Fromasthmatodiabetes, planning with your child and regularly communicating with your child’s school nurse is essential to ensuring that they stay healthy and happy throughout the school year.

Check out these articles on different conditions and how to plan for them.

What can I do to keep my child safe from germs?

School starting back up may bring some unwelcome guests into your home: germs. With the potential for children exchanging chewed-on pencils and swapping half-eaten snacks, being concerned is understandable.

Besides making sure kids take their vitamins and get plenty of rest, is there anything a parent can do to stop the germs from spreading through their family?

First and foremost, hand hygiene, orproper handwashing, is important for everyone.When you wash your hands, it not only removes dirt and grime but also helps get rid of germs. Check out these additional articles aboutbeing prepared for licepreventing other germs

Does my child need a back-to-school wellness exam?

Whether your kids are already back in school or enjoying their last couple of weeks of summer vacation, it’s a great time to get your kid in for achild wellness exam! As much as children may protest going to the doctor,yearly well visitsare an important part of making sure your child stays as healthy as can be. Typical back-to-school checkups vary from state to state, and different school districts may have different requirements.

确保您要跟上学区设定的要求,让您的孩子有资格参加运动和其他活动。条件类似scoliosisheart murmurs可能会影响他们的表现,并且可能需要定期筛选。查看这些文章,以了解有关孩子在下一次返校健康考试中可能需要哪些筛查的更多信息。

What vaccines do my kids need before starting school?

Winter is coming, and so isinfluenza season。如果您还没有关心您和您的孩子赶上COVID-19, now you have the flu joining the host of infectious respiratory illnesses to be worried about. To give your child the best possible chance at avoiding these illnesses, keeping up with their vaccinationschedule, if possible, isextremely important。查看有关疫苗和治疗方法对他们试图保护您免受疾病的重要性的这些文章。

Does going back to school mean back to being bullied?

There may be nothing more crushing to a parent’s heart than hearing that someone is being mean to your child. Or, even worse, that your child is being left out by their peers. While欺凌和excluding others isn’t something new, today’s social interactions don’t just take place in person. There’s a whole social network online to navigate—which means lots of new ways for children tofeel excluded and let down


How can I help my child with back-to-school anxiety?

Will I fit in? Will I make friends? Who will I sit with at lunch? The start of a new school year can be scary for some kids, particularly for students who may have just moved, suffer fromseparation anxietyor may not have many friends. As your child or teen grows,develops, and prepares for their future, stressful situations can make them feel like they are going to explode.

As parents, we want to provide the best for our kids. Guiding them through these具有挑战性的情况可能很艰难,但它们是生活中必不可少的一部分。查看这些技巧,以解决您孩子回到学校的许多挑战中的一些挑战。

How do I help my child through developmental milestones?

Understanding your child’s changing and emerging growth and development is an important part of parenting. As your child grows into a teenager, they may encounter physical, emotional and other common issues. Recognizing and treating those early can help them in the long run.

Check out these articles to help you better understanddevelopmental milestones和how they can be used to guide your parenting journey.

What if my child is still doing virtual learning?

It’s fall, which means it’s also back-to-school time … well, sort of. For some families across the country, back to school is taking place at home virtually on Zoom, in Google Classroom or another platform.

While this may be a temporary solution until it’s safe to go back to in-person learning, learning online may present some unique challenges for your child (and you as their parent) that they would not have faced learning in the classroom. Use these tips tosupport your child’s developmentas they导航虚拟学习环境

What do I do if my child is going off to college?

For many, August signals back to school. If you have a child starting college or moving back after spending the summer at home, you may need to take time to adjust to the whirlwind of emotions this time can carry. Whether you are dreading the back-to-schoolmoving processor worried if they can handle any medical hurdles on their own, it is important to adjust to these changes in a healthy way. Check these articles written with Banner Health experts on how to tackle this time of year.

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