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Interpreting Symptoms of a Heart Murmur

Trouble sleeping, a sore joint, occasional headaches… there are a lot of things people tend to ignore when it comes to health. But when your doctor says “heart” and “abnormal” in the same sentence, your ears perk up. During your regular visits, your doctor will put a (sometimes cold) stethoscope to your chest and listen to your heart. While every heartbeat is unique, they are listening for certain sonic irregularities that could indicate a current or future issue.

为了理解心脏杂音,它们的检测方式以及它们的含义,我们与之交谈Nickalaus Gramze,医学博士,亚利桑那州Banner Health主頁(欢迎您)的心脏病专家。

What is a heart murmur?

A心杂音is the sound of blood coming from the heart. When your doctor listens to your heart, they hear the sound of blood rushing through the chambers and surrounding veins and arteries. The sound of blood flow is a good thing, but extra “whooshing” or “swishing” noises can indicate impeded or altered blood flow.

Dr. Gramze described heart murmurs with an analogy. “Water flowing down a peaceful river has a quiet sound, but if there is a tight bend in the river or when rocks get in the way and create rapids, the sound changes. The same is true with the flow of blood through our hearts.”


It’s a very common misconception that heart murmurs are dangerous. The truth is that the murmur is just a sound. However, these sounds can be very reliable signals for dangerous conditions. When your doctor detects a worrisome heart murmur, they will often recommend further investigation, often in the form of an超声心动图或者electrocardiogram. Through these methods, doctors will get a better look at the rhythm, movement, strength and anatomy of your heart.

What does my heart murmur mean?


There are steps you can take on your own to help inform your doctor when a heart murmur is found. Consider these questions and bring the answers to your doctor:

  • 您经常经历胸痛吗?
  • Are you quickly exhausted when exercising?
  • Have you noticed any irregularity in your heartbeat?
  • 你的家人有一个吗history of heart disease?
  • Are you often short of breath?

When a heart murmur is detected, it can mean many things. Because everyone’s body is unique, the shape (and sound) of our hearts can vary from person to person. Benign heart murmurs are not uncommon; however, heart murmurs can sometimes appear before any other symptoms are present. In adults, heart murmurs can be an indicator for many forms of heart disease. When your doctor detects a noteworthy murmur, the right thing to do investigate further.

Are heart murmurs more common among children?

A growing heart and body changes shape and position over time. As a child’s heart develops, so will the sounds it makes. For this reason, heart murmurs are found in many children during routine孩子的访问. Dr. Gramze mentioned that “while many murmurs in children are benign sounds found in a growing heart,congenital heart disease当发现令人担忧的心脏杂音时,这是第一个问题。遵循您的医生的建议进行后续测试,并imaging.”

When should I be tested for a heart murmur?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions listed above or if you feel concerned about your heart’s health for any other reason, you should set up a visit with your physician to learn more. Your doctor will listen to your heart in addition to checking your heart rate and measuring blood pressure. If your doctor is concerned, he or she may then request you perform an electrocardiogram and/or an echocardiogram. These are all important steps in evaluating heart health and great reasons to make sure you are scheduling these regular appointments. Contact avwin.comac德赢官方首页 立即设置您的约会。

Heart Health 儿童健康

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