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When you’re in the produce aisle of your grocery store, you’ve probably seen some oddly shaped fruits next to your standard fare of apples and bananas. Some resemble vegetables, while others look a bit intimidating, so you quickly scoot your cart past them.

While you may be a pro at picking out strawberries and watermelon, there are plenty of fruits just waiting to be explored. It’s worth giving these unusual fruits a second pass. Besides, eating colorful fruits can paint a beautiful picture of health.

Phytonutrients in every color

“在饮食中纳入各种水果是有益的,因为每种水果都有丰富的纤维和不同的维生素,矿物质和健康促进植物营养素或植物化学物质的物质,”Karen Hemmes,注册营养师横幅 - 大学医疗中心凤凰城。“Each color can offer different benefits, so why not吃彩虹?”


  • reduce the risk of several chronic diseases
  • reduce inflammationand improve immune function
  • 防止暴露于环境污染物
  • 增强心理健康


The world is full of so many wonderful fruits in addition to the ones we’ve grown accustomed to—you just have to know where to look. With growing globalization, you might be surprised what you can find right at your local supermarket or farmer’s market.



While it can be quite a stinker—literally, it smells like onions—this large, spikey fruit is hailed as the “king of fruits” by those in Southeast Asia, where it hails from.



“Eaten raw or in candy, drinks and soups,榴莲富含钾,,,,fiber and antioxidants but also contains phosphorus,,,,,iron,铜和锌,“麻疹说。


Pitaya, or dragon fruit, is a pomegranate-sized fruit that’s become a super popular addition to juices and smoothies.




The national fruit of Bangladesh, jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world. It has a mild sweet taste and a meat-like texture. You may have even noticed it used as a meat-replacement in some barbecue dishes.


“Jackfruit isrich in vitamin C and B—and fruits aren’t typically high in vitamin B,” Hemmes said. “It also contains potassium, calcium, flavonoids, which reduce inflammation, and carotenoids, which can be beneficial in protecting against cancers,心血管疾病和年龄相关的黄斑变性。"


荔枝或红毛丹,,,,which means hair in Malayan, gets its name for the hair-like spikes on its red skin. This ping-pong-sized fruit has a sweet, floral flavor, but a very short shelf life—so eat it soon after purchasing.


Rambutans are high in vitamin C,黄黄烷醇,可以减少炎症和抗氧化剂,“麻疹说。“他们还有助于调节血糖,对肝脏有保护作用,并减少甘油三酯LDL(坏胆固醇)。”


Horned melon goes by many different names, including jelly melon, hedged gourd, African cucumber, English tomato and melano. The orange fruit with spiky skin and alien-like seeds can be quite intimidating, but the sweet, fresh flavor can’t be ignored. It tastes like a mix of bananas or kiwi and cucumbers.

To eat, slice the fruit in half and scoop out the green seedlings. You can enjoy raw, in a salad, smoothie or dessert.

“Horned melons are high in vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, iron and has a low glycemic index,” Hemmes said. “It’s also low in calories and higher in protein than most other fruits.”



“黄金猕猴桃有最高的维生素C含量几乎任何水果 - 三次超过橙色,“麻疹说。

To eat, you can simply cut and scoop out the flesh or slice into pieces (Hint: the skin is totally good to eat; just wash it well beforehand).



“This fleshy fibrous tropical fruit ishigh in vitamins A and C,镁和抗氧化剂,可帮助降低胆固醇,控制血糖,改善湿疹等皮肤病,银屑病and acne,” Hemmes said.

Cherimoya or custard apple

Native to South America, this oval-shaped fruit has a strange appearance but has a sweet reward inside—just watch out for the seeds (they’re toxic!). The fruit has a custard-like texture and tastes like a blend of tropical fruits. In fact, Mark Twain loved them so much, he called them “the最美味的果实known to man.”


Cherimoyas富含维生素A和C.,,,,iron, calcium, magnesium and have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, neuroprotective, anti-cancer and anti-obesity properties,” Hemmes said.

Golden berries or Peruvian groundcherry

金色浆果,又称秘鲁地板,印加人,Poha Berry,Husk樱桃或海角鹅莓,是一种明亮,橙色的水果,与Tomatillos类似,因为它们被包裹在稻壳中。

Slightly smaller than a cherry tomato, golden berries have a sweet, tropical flavor, resembling a pineapple or mango. They are great alone, in salads or a smoothie bowl. But you must only eat them when they are ripe as they may be poisonous if you eat them unripe. To be safe, only eat ripe golden berries that have no green parts.


Feijoa or pineapple guava

Last, but certainly not least, feijoa, or pineapple guava, is a sweet, tangy fruit worth getting your hands on. Many people compare the taste to guavas and pineapples—hence where it gets its name—but there is also a slight strawberry flavor. The green fruit is roughly the size of a small avocado and can be enjoyed in smoothies, cocktails, desserts and fruit dishes.

To eat, you can enjoy the whole thing (skin and all!), but most people prefer to cut feijoa in half like an avocado, remove the seeds and then scoop out the soft, sweet flesh with a spoon. Its most ideal ripeness is when the seed pulp is completely clear.

“Feijoa is high in fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, magnesium andantioxidants并可能有助于消化,刺激认知功能,“麻疹说。


Eating a variety of fresh fruits (and vegetables!) is a great way to keep you on a healthy path, so why not try one of these 10 exotic fruits this year?



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