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In Greek mythology, Achilles’ mother, Thetis, dipped him in the River Styxx as an infant in order to give him the power of invulnerability. But Thetis forgot one thing—his feet. Unfortunately, things didn’t end well for Achilles, and he suffered a deadly blow to his heel in battle.

Here in the real world, although it is strong, our Achilles tendon remains a vulnerable spot for us too.

The Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon in the body. Coming in at about six inches in length, it has the important job of connecting the calf muscle to the heel bone. Whether you’re out on a leisurely stroll or running, jumping or doing push-ups, your Achilles tendon is working hard to endure the load and stress we put on it.

But if it’s placed under too much stress, the tendon can tighten and overwork itself, which can lead to an overuse injury such as Achilles tendinosis.

To better understand this overuse injury, we askedJoseph Blazuk, MD, an orthopedic sports medicine physician withTOCA at Banner Healthin Arizona, to break down the causes and treatment options for tendinosis and how to prevent further damage.

What is Achilles tendinosis?

Much like other overuse injuries such as胫骨夹板,阿基里斯肌腱病是慢性过度使用的结果。它可能是由于卷问题,您只需通过肌腱重复地加载太多负载(如距离运行),或者更常见,对准,肌肉不平衡和小腿紧绷可以加速肌腱上的磨损。

Typically, it will present as Achilles pain that worsens during activity—sometimes squeezing the tendon is painful, and in bad cases, you can even see noticeable thickening of the tendon.


What causes Achilles tendinosis?

如果你有非常高拱形的脚,狭小的小腿肌肉和/或过度(即,脚向内滚动和扁平化more than normal with walking/running), you’ll be more predisposed to Achilles tendon injury. Certain medications such as fluoroquinolone antibiotics (Cipro, Levaquin) can place the tendon at risk as well as any cortisone injections in the vicinity of the tendon. Inflammatory arthritis (such asrheumatoid arthritis), thyroid disease anddiabetesare systemic issues that may also increase the chance of Achilles tendon injury.



“Tendinitis implies 'acute' inflammation, but when we look under a microscope at tendinopathic tendons, we don't see cells characteristic of an acute inflammatory response, so tendinosis or tendinopathy has become the more accurate term,” Dr. Blazuk said.

What is an Achilles tendon rupture?




“One way you can distinguish at home is to lay on your belly, bend your knees to 90 degrees and have someone look to see if the affected side foot points down compared to the normal side,” Dr. Blazuk said. “If so, there is a good chance we are dealing with a rupture versus a calf strain.”

How is Achilles tendinosis treated?

If you notice tendinosis pain is starting to affect your recreational activities, it may be time to see your doctor.治疗will depend on the type and the severity of your injury, but typically your doctor will start you out with a stretching program and physical therapy.

For ruptures, your doctor may immobilize the area by treating with a walking cast for 6-12 weeks or repair through surgery. Dr. Blazuk said the outcomes and return to activity are about the same for both.


How can I prevent injury?

Don’t ignore the warning signs and power through the aches and pain. Here are some things you can do to prevent Achilles tendinosis from occurring:

  • Properly warm-up before ramping up exercise
  • Stretch the calf/heel cords after exercise or in between sessions
  • 戴医生规定的矫形器或鞋插入物


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