

“I can’t take it anymore!” Sarah screamed at her husband, John. “I’m overwhelmed.” Sarah, a working mom was burning her candle at both ends, and everything John tried to do to help wasn’t helping. She wasn’t sleeping well; she was snapping at the kids and John more often than she liked. Even her work was suffering. All the running, self-help books and TikTok videos were doing nothing to help. She began to wonder, “Do I need therapy?”


Although1 in 5 Americansare affected by a mental health condition, 5 in 5 Americans know what it’s like to experience stress, anxiety and other forms of emotional distress.

Some of the challenges we face in life will be greater than others. Sometimes we’ll be able to tackle them on our own or with the help of a supportive friend or loved one. Other times, we could benefit from the help of a trusted professional, like a behavioral health specialist.

“Many people think they don’t need therapy and have the help of their family and friends,” said Jerimya Fox, a licensed professional counselor and a doctor of behavioral health at横幅行为健康医院in Scottsdale, AZ. “It’s good to have a support system, but you can’t always talk to them about everything—you may even have to be careful about what you say. This is when psychotherapy can help.”

What is psychotherapy?

While the stigmas surrounding mental illnesses have shifted in the right direction over the years, still many people are hesitant to admit they could benefit from therapy.“Who me? Oh, I don’t need therapy. I’m fine.”

与某些思想,心理治疗更常见的谈话治疗相反,不仅适用于精神健康问题。它对所有年龄段的任何人都有利于 - 正在经历挑战,过渡或想要改善他们的生活。


“Therapy is a safe, non-judgmental place where you don’t have to edit any thoughts or emotions,” Dr. Fox said. “Therapists are there to let you vent, explore what you are going through and to help develop a mental toolbox to handle future challenges.”

Just like you’d visit your health care provider to ensure physical health, think of therapy as medicine for your mental health.



如果你正在经历下列,马y be time to seek help:

1. You’re easily overwhelmed

是让你进入情绪的尾翼的东西mood swings—from烦躁和愤怒悲伤?你在朋友身上捕捉到一顶帽子吗?是极端情绪使得难以焦点和处理日常功能吗?


“Therapy can help with unregulated emotions, because you can take a step back and uncover the actual triggers of those emotions and how to combat that fear and panic that may be the root cause,” Dr. Fox said.

2. You’re consumed by your own anxious thoughts

Racing thoughts? Racing heart? Mental health conditions like anxiety may trigger anxious or negative (intrusive) thoughts and cause other physiological reactions.



3. You have relationship troubles


If you’re unable to see eye-to-eye with someone, are in an unhealthy relationship, find yourself isolating or distancing yourself from your friend or partner, it may be time to talk to a behavioral health specialist about what is going on. In addition,夫妻治疗can help peacefully navigate differences and restore strong communication in your relationship.








Therapy can be extremely helpful after a recent trauma, such as thedeath of a loved one,流产,虐待关系,以及过去的创伤,如sexual or verbal abuse


6. You’re abusing alcohol and drugs

如果您一直在饮酒,使用毒品或参与风险类型的行为,这可能是您不健康的尝试应对更深层次的问题。治疗,以及addiction counseling, may help you better understand what you are trying to cover up and give you the tools to stop unhealthy behaviors.

“Substance abuse affects 20 million Americans and countless more who care for and love them,” Dr. Fox said. “Therapy gives coping and life skills to combat the pressures related to substance abuse. It focuses on treatment, motivates you to abstain and stay clean and is a focal point to move you to be successful.”

[Here’sHow to Spot Addiction in Someone You Know。]

7. You need a mental tune-up


“Therapy can give you the tools to better interact and live your life, but it also teaches you when it might be time to go back and address certain things—or new things that pop up,” Dr. Fox said. “You are better after therapy, because you can identify certain patterns or recognize certain triggers and know, ‘Hey, maybe I’m due for a little check in.’”

你觉得无望 - 只是不在乎了

你觉得没有的日子比不是没有吗?绝望可以包括你没有未来的担忧,你永远不会幸福,或者你只是不在乎发生了什么。有时绝望可以是一个标志抑郁症,一种严重的情绪障碍that affects 1 in 6 adults at one point in their life.

Talking to a therapist may help you understand why and what steps to follow to improve your well-being.

9. Nothing else seems to work

Like Sarah, you’ve tried everything—talked to a friend, exercised more, watchedself-help TikToks—but nothing seems to have made a difference. This may be a sign it’s time to talk to a behavioral health specialist who can help you figure out what is causing you to feel this way.

10. You’re living through a pandemic

自2020年3月以来发生了这么多(and is still going!), that it’s natural to have a mixed bag of emotions. It’s been a lot for all of us.



Know that, whether you yourself are having a hard time or someone you know, you’re not alone. There’s no time like the present to take the first step (or second step) in getting the support you or your loved one needs.

If you’re considering a therapist, make sure you read “选择合适的治疗师,” to help guide in the right direction.

寻找许可的行为健康专家near you, visit or call the Banner Appointment Line at 800-254-4357. If you are having suicidal thoughts, please don’t wait to get help. Call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.


Salud mental Bienestar

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