
成瘾可以极大地影响日常功能。如果you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, know that there are many health services, resources, treatments and support options, for those suffering from chemical dependency and substance abuse.

At Banner Health, we are dedicated to providing you or your loved one with individualized care options so you can get back to your best self as quickly as possible. Reaching out for help is the first step.




Chemical dependency refers to a primary disease where a person becomes addicted to a mood-altering substance, such as drugs or alcohol, that causes a physical dependence. People with chemical dependency continue to use these substances even when problems related to their use have developed.


  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Prescription medications
  • 可卡因
  • 甲基苯丙胺
  • vallucinogens.
  • 吸入剂
  • Opiates


The signs and symptoms of chemical dependency and substance abuse vary from person to person.

Some common behaviors that can indicate a person has problems with drugs or alcohol include:

  • 使用药物或酒精的渴望或强烈愿望
  • Continuous drug or alcohol problems that interfere with daily life
  • Using or drinking larger amounts over longer periods of time
  • 试图减少或控制毒品或酒精消费不成功
  • Giving up or reducing activities due to drug or alcohol use
  • Taking dangerous risks, such as driving under the influence
  • Developing a tolerance and needing more drugs or alcohol to get the same effect
  • 不使用药物或酒精时经历戒断症状
  • Using drugs or alcohol despite the accompanying physical or psychological problems

What Causes a Chemical Dependency?

Chemical dependency and substance abuse can be caused by multiple factors, including:

Social pressure
Environmental stressors
Individual personality characteristics

Screenings and Diagnosis for Chemical Dependency and Substance Abuse


  • Red eyes
  • Constant fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Abnormalities in lab work
  • Unexpected heart rate or blood pressure abnormalities
  • 缺乏对卫生的关注
  • Anxiety, depression or sleep problems

Treatments for Chemical Dependency and Substance Abuse

主頁(欢迎您)横幅健康提供住院患者和门诊治疗方案for chemical dependency and substance abuse.

Banner Del E Webb Medical Center门诊计划

The Banner Del E Webb Medical Center’s outpatient program is designed for adults of all ages who need professional assistance with substance abuse-related issues.

This outpatient chemical dependency program is a group-based therapy that uses evidence-based techniques, such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy andrational emotive behavior therapy。这些技术侧重于教学技能和技术,以重新获得控制和平衡。

Adult Intensive Outpatient Chemical Dependency program

Banner also offers an Adult Intensive Outpatient Chemical Dependency program to help you embrace a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. As many patients may suffer from additional mental health conditions, this program addresses additional factors to help patients cope with life’s challenges for a successful recovery.

Banner Behavioral Health Hospital

TheBanner Behavioral Health Hospitalis an inpatient facility located in Scottsdale, Arizona, that treats a variety of behavioral and mental health ailments, including chemical dependency and substance abuse.

The hospital treats patients in a minimally-restrictive environment with an expert team to get you back to living your fullest life as quickly as possible.

Reaching out is the first step to recovery. Banner Health can help. Our expert staff is ready to work with you to find the dependency treatment program to meet your individual needs and get you back to feeling like yourself.
