Better Me

Dermatologist-Recommended Skin Care Tips for Teens and Young Adults

We all want to put our best face forward, but the teenage years, or adolescence, can leave some wanting to hide from the world.

您的少年可能还没有解决皱纹,但他们可能面临Zits,黑头甚至敏感的皮肤。在这些期间成长期,以主要的zit或红色,刺激的皮肤从人群中脱颖而出可能令人尴尬,并且downright depressing. Things like acne can be especially challenging if your teen is beingbullied or teasedas a result.

“Acne often causes significant physical and psychological problems, such as永久疤痕, poor self-image, depression and anxiety,” said Rebecca Thiede, MD, a dermatologist withBanner – University Medical Center Tucson. “In fact, within the first year of an acne diagnosis, those with acne are at ahigher risk用于发展重大抑郁症。”


1. Keep your skincare routine simple.

Keep the skincare routine simple and consistent. A good routine can backfire when there are too many steps. “I like to tell my patients that a simple routine is twice a day, morning and night.”

每天洗两次脸 - 醒来和上床睡觉前。出汗活动后,您还需要洗脸。

To keep face washing top of mind, place your products next to your toothbrush and do it at the same time as brushing your teeth to be consistent.

As well, avoid using a washcloth, mesh sponge or anything else that can irritate the skin. Instead, use your fingertips to wash your face and apply product.

2. Use oil-free and non-comedogenic products.

Look for products that won’t block pores. These products will be labeled as “oil-free” or “noncomedogenic,” which won’t create comedones, the blackheads and whiteheads that clog pores. This is true not just for moisturizers but for makeup and sunscreen as well.

3. Wear sunscreen, even in the winter.

A good habit for life is to protect skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Rain, snow or shine,防晒霜是必须的.




[Also read:Acne Care Dos and Don’ts.]


To help select another product, here’s what the different active ingredients work on:

  • Benzoyl peroxide decreases P. acnes bacteria
  • 类视网膜类似,例如Adapalene凝胶,解开毛孔并降低油脂
  • 水杨酸缓解炎症,并疏散孔隙



Make sure to remove makeup every night before bedtime.

“Even noncomedogenic makeup can cause acne if you sleep in it,” Dr. Thiede said. “If you’re too tired to wash your face, a makeup remover towelette works—just make sure it’s noncomedogenic.”

[Also read:Makeup Myths We Should Stop Believing.]

6. Wash your pillowcase and sheets.


“By the end of one week, sheets and pillowcases are swarming with dead skin cells and bacteria,” Dr. Thiede said. “These can clog your pores, leading to breakouts.”


7. Avoid touching, picking, scrubbing and overdoing it with products.


“Avoid doing too much too fast as it can irritate the skin, cause allergic reactions and worsen acne,” Dr. Thiede said. “Picking or popping pimples is also a big no-no. This can lead to scarring and also take the pimple longer to heal.”

8. Sensitive skin? Use the spot test.

Everyone’s skin is different. If you have sensitive skin, however, it can make locating products that won’tburn, sting or itch更具挑战性。尝试寻找不含非碎香气的产品。

If your teen is prone to being sensitive to products, Dr. Thiede suggested the test spot approach:

  • Apply the product to a test spot twice daily for seven to 10 days.选择皮肤上的四分之一大小的斑点,在那里不会擦掉或洗掉产品,例如手臂的底面或肘部弯曲。使用正常量和厚度,就像定期使用产品一样。
  • Leave the product on your skin for as long as you would normally.If you’re testing something you would usually wash off, like a cleanser, keep it on your skin for five minutes or as long as the instructions say.
  • If after seven to 10 days you don’t have a skin reaction, such as red, itchy or swollen skin, go ahead and use the product.
  • 如果皮疹或燃烧发生外壳,过敏反应d be occurring. If this happens, gently wash the product off as soon as possible and don’t use it again. Apply a cool compress or petroleum jelly to relieve skin. If your reaction is severe and not improving, see your health care provider or dermatologist.


9. Eat a balanced diet.

Sugary drinks and treats with friends are tempting but may not help their skin.

“Emerging data suggests thathigh glycemic index diets(高水平的糖)可能与痤疮有关。” Thiede博士说。“也有一些证据表明一些乳制品,特别是脱脂牛奶,可能会影响痤疮。蛋白质奶昔中的乳清蛋白已被证明会影响痤疮。”

Whenever possible, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and low-GI options of your favorite carb-rich foods. For example, opt for whole grain oatmeal versus a plain bagel or whole wheat bread versus white bread.



A dermatologist is happy to help every step of your skincare journey, especially the acne journey.

痤疮是一种旅程,“Thiede博士说。“什么works for you now might not work in a year. It’s important to see a dermatologist if your acne isn’t improving despite consistent over-the-counter treatment, significant flares or scarring is occurring or if it is affecting your self-esteem.”

Today, virtually all acne can be cleared. If you’re not seeing results on your own, a dermatologist can help find the right treatment and/or acne medication. For moderate to severe acne, you may be prescribed an oral or topical acne medication, such as antibiotics like sarecycline, isotretinoin or hormonalbirth control.

Final word

Skin problems can put a damper on your teen living their best life (YOLO!). Help them put their best face forward by adopting skin-care habits that can keep zits at bay and prevent emotional and physical scarring. If necessary, work with your teen’s health care provider or a dermatologist.


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Children's Health 皮肤科 育儿

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