Better Me


如果你总是有疙瘩的皮肤,不要担心 - 你不是唯一一个。

你经历的是有很大的机会keratosis pilaris, a skin condition that affects 50-80% of teens and 40% of adults.

These small bumpsoften look like those on the skin of a plucked chicken, or goosebumps. In teens and adults, the bumps are usually on the upper arms, thighs and buttocks; in children, it’s on the upper arms, thighs and cheeks; and in more severe cases it can spread to the lower legs and forearms. Although it’s medically harmless, keratosis pilaris can still be bothersome for those who have it.

我们用玛格丽特Wat,MD,博士学位,皮肤科专家讲话横幅——大学ersity Medical Center Tucson, about this common skin condition, and the best ways to treat it. Getting rid of keratosis pilaris completely may not be an option, but there are lots of things you can do to make it more manageable.

What is keratosis pilaris, exactly?

角化症Pilarias可能是一口,但很容易解释。该病症是由毛囊堵塞的死皮细胞塞引起的。美国皮肤科学院(AAD)解释说这种情况causes tiny bumps这样可以:

  • 像砂纸一样感到粗糙和干燥
  • Become more noticeableduring winteror in dry climates
  • Appear in different colors, including the same color as your skin, white, red, pinkish purple (on fair skin), and brownish black (on dark skin)


Dr. Wat explained that sometimes it’s not possible to completely get rid of keratosis pilaris, but “the good news is that it tends to improve over time and decrease in severity with age, so patience is a virtue in this condition.”


As we mentioned earlier, this condition is very common. Sometimes it’s confused for acne. For most people, keratosis pilaris begins either before age 2 or during their teenage years. If you first get it when you’re a teen, it is likely to go away by your mid-20s.


  • Close blood relatives with keratosis pilaris
  • Asthma
  • Dry skin
  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
  • Excess body weight
  • Hay fever
  • Ichthyosis vulgaris(a skin condition that causes very dry skin)
  • Melanoma and are taking vemurafenib (Zelboraf®), a targeted therapy medicine approved to treat melanoma that has spread

How can I treat keratosis pilaris?

Treatment can begin when you meet with a physician. They will review your medical history and conduct a physical exam. With the context of your physical health, they will review your symptoms — and how your symptoms affect you —to create a treatment plan.

Once you’ve been evaluated, the AAD suggests athree-step at-home treatment plan:

1.轻轻剥离:The goal here is to remove dead skin cells from your body’s surface. A loofah, buff puff or rough washcloth will work. But don’t scrub your skin too vigorously — that can irritate it and could make your keratosis pilaris worse.

2. Apply a keratolytic product:也称为化学剥离剂。这些产品有助于去除死皮细胞的堆积。使用包含以下成分之一的产品(并使用推荐量;太多可能会刺激你的皮肤):

  • 阿尔法羟基酸
  • Glycolic acid
  • 乳酸
  • A retinoid (retinol, tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene)
  • Salicylic acid
  • Urea

3.在保湿霜上露出:Since keratolytic products dry your skin, moisturizer is an important final step. Oil-free creams and ointment will help prevent clogged pores. Apply the moisturizer right after bathing, and when your skin feels dry (at least two or three times per day).

Beyond the typical at-home treatments, Dr. Wat said your physician may also prescribe a topical steroid or laser treatments to reduce redness.

Since flare-ups are common, the AAD also suggested the following prevention tips:

  • Take shorter showers and baths (20 minutes or less)
  • Use warm water instead of hot water when bathing
  • Use a mild cleanser when bathing (bar soap can dry your skin)
  • Avoid bathing more than once per day
  • Avoid self-tanners (can make bumps more obvious)
  • If you shave or wax your skin, do so cautiously, as it can cause more bumps. (Laser hair removal won’t cause flare-ups.)
  • Plug in a humidifier when the air feels dry

Be patient with yourself!



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