Advise Me


From the playground to politics, it seems bullying exists everywhere these days. As adults, we’ve become somewhat numb to the大量贬低评论我们在新闻或社交媒体上听到并看到,但是当您发现孩子已经成为目标时,没有什么能像刺耳的声音一样。您的孩子现在不是享受童年时代和特殊性,而是五分之一的美国学生谁是欺凌的受害者。

Unfortunately, bullying isn’t something that will just magically go away or something your child can handle on their own. Even if you’re unsure whether your child is being bullied or not, your participation is crucial in helping your child navigate these difficult times.

Why do children bully others?

First to understand why children bully, it’s helpful to know what bullying is.

“欺凌是一种故意,进取和反复的行为,会产生真正或感知的权力或力量的失衡,”与执业精神病医师Adeola Adelayo医学博士说。横幅行为健康医院。“欺凌可以采取很多形式,从身体,言语和情感到甚至网络欺凌。”


“At earlier ages, say preschool to third grade, it’s just a bossy kid who may not realize how their behavior is affecting others or the child may be seeking attention, whether good or bad,” Dr. Adelayo said. “As you get to middle and high school ages, children are able to recognize social cues and how their behaviors affect others. The bullying behaviors become deliberate in an effort to exert power and control. Often they don’t even realize how wrong their behaviors are or how it makes others feel.”

What signs of bullying should I look out for?

Don’t be surprised if your child doesn’t come right out and let you know they’re being bullied. Kids often hide the fact that they’re being bullied. They may feel helpless or humiliated and don’t want anyone to know, or they may want to try and handle it on their own. Younger children especially, may not even realize they are being bullied.

“Elementary-aged kids are still learning how to make friends,” Dr. Adelayo said. “They may like being around the bully but just know sometimes this person really doesn’t make them feel good.”

Because children can be so good at masking their pain, it’s important to look for these red flags:

  • 无法解释的伤害割伤,瘀伤和划痕
  • 身体症状:频繁的头痛或胃痛,感到生病或伪性,睡眠困难或噩梦
  • 损坏的财产:Torn, damaged or missing pieces of clothing, books and other belongings
  • Changes to eating habits:突然开始跳过饭或暴饮暴食
  • 学者的下降:Difficulty focusing on schoolwork, loss of interest in school or not wanting to go to school and a sudden drop in grades
  • Vanishing friendships:A sudden loss of friends or avoidance of social situations
  • 行为改变:Withdrawals from activities they used to enjoy, decreased self-esteem, destructive behavior,self-harmor谈论自杀

“It’s important to note that while bullying can occur to anyone and for any reason, some groups, such asLGBTQ+的孩子and those who have certain disabilities and are socially isolated, may be at an increased risk of being bullied,” Dr. Adelayo said. “While this may not always be the reason why they are being targeted, it’s important to keep in mind when you’re looking for possible signs and causes of bullying.”



Listen and validate



大多数学校非常重视欺凌,但性能试验ore you run out to tell the teacher or principal, ask if your child wants you to reach out to the school. They may fear retaliation or may want to talk to the school on their own. Follow their lead but remind them of the importance of letting someone know at the school, so it can be documented and addressed appropriately. If no progress is made, step in and let the appropriate people know at your child’s school.

Develop pro social skills






Contact a licensed behavioral health specialistif your child’s reactions become extreme or you’re struggling to get them to open up about what’s happening to them.



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