
A Muscle You Probably Never Heard of Could Be Causing Your Hip Pain
当你觉得你的臀大肌,you’re probably thinking of your gluteus maximus muscles. Those are the big muscles found in your buttocks that power you...
Dec 08
How a Simple Sitz Bath Can Relieve Your Genital or Anal Pain
If you have an injury to your perineum—the area between the anus and vulva (in women) or scrotum (in men)—a simple sitz bath could bring relief to the...
Dec 05
Is It Just Stress or Are My Hormones Out of Whack?
Lately you’ve felt exhausted, irritable and not in the mood for romance. You just feel “off.” While you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, do you...
Dec 03
10 Postpartum Depression Facts All Moms Need to Know
Having a baby is a joyous occasion. It marks the beginning of all things – hope, wonder and possibility. For some women, however, this elation can be overshadowed...
Nov 24
Afrontando un Trastorno de la Alimentación durante las Fiestas
Las fiestas de fin de año están de vuelta y eso significa que habrá muchas reuniones y ocasiones para comer con la familia y los amigos. Las reuniones...
Nov 20
6 Sugerencias para Manejar los Alimentos Durante las Fiestas Cuando Tienes Diabetes
Cuando tienes diabetes, la temporada de fiestas parece un campo minado de carbohidratos. La tarta de nuez, los panecillos, el caramelo de leche, el dulce...
Nov 17
How to Tell if This Skin Cancer Surgery Is Right for You
If you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer you might be worried about how it can be treated and whether you’ll have noticeable scarring. Often, skin cancer can...
Nov 17
What the ‘Shopping Cart Sign’ Can Tell You About Your Back Pain
As you get older, you’re more likely to develop back problems. And sometimes, it can be tricky to uncover what’s causing your symptoms. The “shopping cart...
These 4 Tips That Can Help You Cope with Low Vision
There’s a good chance you don’t have 20/20 uncorrected vision—182 million Americans use glasses or contact lenses to correct their eyesight, according...
Nov 10