
When Can My Baby Start Eating Solid Foods? Tips from an Expert

Is your baby staring or reaching for your food with intense interest these days? Your little one has beenliving on breast milk and/or formula在过去的几个月中,这是他们准备搬到“大联盟”(即固体食品)的迹象吗?


爱丽丝·安诺恩斯库(Alice Antonescu), MD, a pediatrician withBanner Health Clinic在科罗拉多州柯林斯堡,分享了有关在固体上生孩子的所有知识。

When to start your baby on solid foods


“In general, most babies are ready to be introduced to solid foods somewhere between 4 to 6 months of age,” Dr. Antonescu said. “However, age is less important than whether they meet certain developmental milestones.”

Here are some developmental signs and cues that your baby may be ready for solid food:

  • Your baby shows interest.当您向他们展示一勺食物时,您的小孩子会兴奋地张开嘴吗?他们看着你兴趣吃饭吗?他们会抓住或伸手去拿盘子上的某些物品吗?
  • 您的宝宝在支持下坐起来。Your baby should be able to hold their head up and sit in a supported position on your lap, bouncer or highchair.
  • Your baby’s tongue extrusion reflex is gone.The tongue-thrust or extrusion reflex helps your little one push solid food out of their mouth to avoid choking. You may notice this reflex when their tongue, in response to being touched, thrusts out of their mouth. “Usually this disappears around 4 to 6 months, at which point their tongue begins pushing food to the back of their mouth, so they are able to swallow,” Dr. Antonescu said.

First foods to introduce to your baby

When it comes to introducing your baby to their first solid foods, don’t feel limited to starting with single-grain infant cereals, such as rice, oat or barley. Your baby’s first foods are your choice as long as your little one receives theiron-rich foods他们的身体需要。

“Whether you start with iron-rich pureed foods or iron-fortified cereal, you have many options when it comes to solids,” Dr. Antonescu said. “It’s good for your baby to try a variety of colors, flavors and textures.”

You can buy baby cereal and pureed foods from the store orprepare them at home(没有添加盐,调味料和甜味剂)。Antonescu博士说:“诸如盐之类的调味品是不必要的,不建议使用。”

First foods should be smooth and creamy with no lumps. Once your baby has a few teeth (at about 6 to 9 months), you can start them on ground meats (e.g., chicken, turkey, beef) and soft, minced or mashed food with small, soft lumps.

[If you child is 12 months of age or older, check out “喂养您的孩子:1至3岁”有关更多有用的提示。]

What foods NOT to give your baby


  • Raw or cooked honey due to the risk of botulism, a potentially deadly intoxication
  • Foods that may cause choking, such as whole nuts or raw fruit and vegetables
  • 全牛奶牛奶,因为它没有提供母乳和配方奶粉的营养和铁的范围
  • 果汁,软饮料和含咖啡因的饮料

“一些父母可能会担心foods that are commonly associated with allergies,例如鸡蛋,花生和鱼类,但有证据表明,早期和继续引入这些食物可以降低过敏的风险。” Antonescu博士说。“但是,请记住一次提供这些食物,并注意任何过敏的迹象。”



Here are some general suggestions when it comes to introducing foods to your baby:

  • Introduce new foods one at a time every few days.通过这种方式,您可以识别the cause if your child has any symptoms of a food allergy.
  • 每天从几茶匙开始。Using a small plastic teaspoon, start with a few bites and then slowly increase over a few days. Once your baby is about 8 or 9 months old, they should start eating a variety of foods two to three times a day.
  • Make mealtime pleasant.Choose a time when your baby is happy and relaxed, such as mid-morning after a nap. It may help to offer solids after breastfeeding or bottle feeding so your baby isn’t too hungry.
  • Always sit with your baby while they eat.尽量避免任何干扰电视,并使用良好的眼神交流和正面的口头提示来帮助您的孩子专注。强烈鼓励一起吃家庭用餐。
  • 在开放,吸管或稻草杯中提供一点水。Healthy babies don’t need extra water, but if your baby has started on solids, it’s okay to give them water each day when they eat. Kids usually开始饮用水around 6 months old.
  • 让他们玩一点。学习吃固体会变得有些混乱,没关系。玩食物是学习的重要组成部分。准备一点点清理。


If your baby isn’t interested in solids during your first attempts, don’t force them to eat. Take a break for a day or two before trying again. Learning to eat solid foods is a process and can take some babies longer than others.

If you have questions or concerns about your baby’s nutrition,vwin.comac德赢官方首页 .


儿童健康 育儿

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