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7 Things Covered by Your FSA That Might Surprise You

Thanks to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act thousands of items, some you use every day or month, are now reimbursable from yourflex spending account(FSA),effective January 2020. And if you do a little further digging, you may be shocked to find tons of other things you never considered to be eligible too.

Before you pay out-of-pocket, learn about seven surprising products and services that are reimbursable by your FSA.

Skin Care

We all want to put our best face forward, and with certain FSA-eligible items you can!FSA/HSA eligibility延伸到各种各样的产品s including facial cleansers,sunscreen, prescriptionacnemedications, over-the-counter acne treatments and medicated body lotions that are designed to alleviate certainskin conditions.

OTC Pain Relief

Whether your little one justspiked a feveror you’re battling atoothache, over-the-counter (OTC)pain relievers and products, including hot and cold therapy packs and cooling headache pads, are now eligible for reimbursement, for the following OTC medications without a prescription:

  • Pain relievers like Tylenol and Advil
  • Heartburn medication
  • Allergy relief
  • Toothache relief such as Orajel

Periods, Fertility, Menopause

From periods to pregnancy to menopause—and all of life’s moments in between—many women’s health products, including most recently OTC menstrual products,are noweligible for reimbursement with an FSA. These include:

Lip Balms

Whether you live near the beach or mountains, everyone will need some lip relief. You canpurchasea variety of lip care products for sun protection and to fight off dry, chapped lips.

Humidifiers, Air Filters and Supplies

If air quality has an impact on your medical health, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. With a letter of medical necessity (LMN) from your doctor or healthcare provider, humidifiers, air purifiers and filters areeligiblefor reimbursement.


If there are concerns about your medical condition, your doctor might refer you to adietitianto help you better manage your disease. While general health visits not related to your medical condition won’t qualify, you areeligible for reimbursementwith a doctor’s LMN that outlines a specific diagnosis and how a dietitian is necessary.

Mental Health

Your mental and emotional health are just as important as your physical health. The good news is that you can pay for somemental health treatments and services(including some online therapy) with your FSA administrator.

With so much uncertainty in the world, people areexperiencinggreater levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Now’s the time to focus on your emotional and mental well-being. Use your tax-free FSA funds to help offset you and your loves ones’ care.

Looking to spend those remaining FSA dollars?Check outthis article for more suggestions and tips for products and services.

Wellness Pharmacy Pain Management Nutrition Sleep Health Insurance

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