
You’ve Heard of Probiotics. But What Are Prebiotics?

20 years ago, the idea of eating more bacteria might have felt counterintuitive. Today, every fit, young influencer includes kefir and several other organic ingredients you can’t pronounce in their “what I eat every morning” video.

As you watch the video (and warm your pop tarts), you hear a word you don’t recognize – “prebiotics.” To answer a few common questions surrounding pre- and probiotics, we spoke with Jennifer Oikarinen, a registered dietitian atBanner – University Medical Center Phoenix.

What are Probiotics?

“Probiotics are live microorganisms we ingest which live in the gut and thrive as good bacteria,” said Oikarinen. “They help to promote a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract in several ways, such as enhancing GI function, improving digestion, ramping up metabolism, as well as other important benefits.”

Probiotics help eliminate or decrease common gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas, reflux, and even nausea/vomiting. They may also relieve肠易激综合症(IBS)andinflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Examples of foods rich in probiotics include:

  • Yogurt that contains Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains
  • Buttermilk
  • 酸乳酒
  • Sauerkraut
  • Fermented pickles
  • Kimchi
  • Miso
  • Tempeh

What are Prebiotics?

Put simply, prebiotics are what probiotics need to survive in your gut. Oikarinen explained that “prebiotics boost gastrointestinal health and enhance nutrient absorption of the foods we eat by nourishing the good bacteria.”

Eating probiotics without a prebiotic-rich diet would be like throwing plant seeds on the sidewalk. Properly managing the microorganisms in your gut will lead to an effective digestive system and better comfort and nutrition for you. Healthy gut flora can’t grow without both pre- and probiotics. Foods that are rich in prebiotics include legumes, fruits and whole grains. Here are a few examples:

  • Quinoa
  • Garlic
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Onions
  • Asparagus
  • Barley
  • Oats

Maintaining a Healthy Balance

If a healthy balance of pre- and probiotics is not maintained “intestinal dysbiosis, an imbalance of good and bad bacteria, can occur,” said Oikarinen. “With a decrease in friendly bacteria, bad bacteria such as yeasts and fungi, are allowed to flourish and can negatively impact your overall health, metabolism, and digestion.”


Oikarinen recommended that healthy adults get 1-2 servings of probiotic-rich foods and 2-3 servings of prebiotic-rich foods per day. She added that individuals dealing with IBS or IBD may require higher amounts but recommended that they speak with their dietitian to make a plan.

Schedule a visit with a主頁(欢迎您)横幅健康营养师today to begin building a plan. Visitbannerhealth.comto get started.

Gastroenterología Nutrición

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