
Five Ways To Teach Gratitude And Not Attitude

When our kids are just beginning to speak, we teach and remind them to say their ‘pleases’ and ‘thank yous’ to others. With the best intentions, we want our kids to be appreciative and learn to be grateful. Instilling gratitude goes beyond just good manners, however. It’s a value that must be learned. Adeola Adelayo, MD, a practicing psychiatrist withBanner Behavioral Health Hospitaloffered her advice for instilling an attitude of gratitude in your young ones.

“It requires children to use a set of emotional intelligence and cognitive skills that aren’t just innate—they are grown and developed over time,” Dr. Adelayo said. “There are many ways, really at any age, that we can encourage and develop grateful hearts.”

Dr. Adelayo shared some intentional ways to help your child and teen grow in an attitude of gratitude.

Lead by Example

您有没有想过作为父母的想法:“伙计,我开始听起来像我的母亲!”从某种意义上说,你是!无论我们是否喜欢它,作为一个孩子,我们都向父母看 - 他们的行为,反应和处理世界。我们接收这些信息并将它们塞出,只是出人意料地开始使用与成年人相同的行为。同样,感激之情也是如此。

“If you would like your child or teen to be grateful, model gratitude yourself,” Dr. Adelayo advised. “When your kids are present, point out people who are doing things that go beyond what’s expected and be specific about what you are thankful for.” For instance, if a friend takes your child to and from soccer, say something like, “Thank you for bringing my child home. I feel so grateful to have a friend like you who can support me when I need help.”

您有没有想过作为父母的想法:“伙计,我开始听起来像我的母亲!”从某种意义上说,你是!无论我们是否喜欢它,作为一个孩子,我们都向父母看 - 他们的行为,反应和处理世界。我们接收这些信息并将它们塞出,只是出人意料地开始使用与成年人相同的行为。同样,感激之情也是如此。

“If you would like your child or teen to be grateful, model gratitude yourself,” Dr. Adelayo advised. “When your kids are present, point out people who are doing things that go beyond what’s expected and be specific about what you are thankful for.” For instance, if a friend takes your child to and from soccer, say something like, “Thank you for bringing my child home. I feel so grateful to have a friend like you who can support me when I need help.”

Let Them Earn Privileges


According to Dr. Adelayo, parents can teach kids to be grateful by having them earn privileges. And no, it doesn’t have to be an allowance necessarily. They want a new pair of the latest – expensive – shoes? Have them earn them through chores like setting and clearing the table. While they are doing the activity, let them know that you notice the hard work they are putting in as this will help reinforce positive behaviors. When kids earn privileges their appreciation and gratitude grow. And, as a bonus, they’ll feel pretty good about themselves and their work ethic too!

Volunteer & Donate Together

Nothing can help a child more than seeing the world from a different lens or perspective. Sign up to volunteer packing food, feeding the homeless and putting work in where they can see the impact they are having in the lives of those less fortunate than themselves.

The next time you fill a bag of toys and clothes to donate, explain to your child why you are pulling items together and ask them if there are things they may want to donate. Take them to the donation center and have them hand the bag over. On the way home, ask them how that made them feel and share how grateful someone will be when they get those items.

Start a Ritual

灌输感激之情的一种简单简单的方法是在晚餐或早餐时谈论它 - 只要您可以在桌子旁边在一起。让每个人都列出他们喜欢的一天。起初,可能很难想到简单的事情 - 不用担心,它只需要练习即可。慢慢地,您的孩子或青少年会开始看到,即使在艰难的日子里,我们总有我们可以感激的。对于年龄较大的孩子和青少年,Adelayo博士推荐日记。“帮助他们表达感激之情将有助于建立韧性并创造生活技能。”

Be Patient

If your child still isn’t experiencing the full emotion of gratitude, give it time and watch closely. It may be that they express their gratitude in a different way. Instead of a “thank you,” they may prefer hugs.

An attitude of gratitude is a complex and internal experience but using the above tips will help build a good foundation for your child.

Regardless of these tips to keep in mind – if your child or teen is struggling, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. Visitvwin.comac德赢官方首页 在您附近找到帮助。

Salud mental Salud delNiño

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