
How Hands-On Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment Could Improve Your Health

If you are suffering from musculoskeletal injuries, experiencing pain, or need to improve your flexibility or reduce inflammation, you may have considered many different treatment options. But one option you may not be as familiar with is osteopathic manipulation treatment (OMT).

OMT is part of osteopathic medicine, which was created in the late 1800s by Andrew Taylor Still, MD. He became disillusioned with traditional medical practices after losing family members to meningitis, and he studied the body’s ability to heal itself. Osteopathic medicine is focused on body, mind and spirit.

OMT,最好是一个整骨疗法的物理访问ian (DO) who specializes in performing this type of therapy. “They are trained to evaluate mind, body and spirit. They know how injury or repetitive trauma can affect your body and your ability to heal,” saidLeigh Anne Costanzo,Do,是家庭医学提供者横幅Health Centerin Mesa.

With an understanding of how the body’s structure and function are intertwined, an osteopathic physician works to solve problems with your structure in order to restore function.

Their focus on whole-person health care extends to healthy habits, physical fitness and emotional well-being.

How does osteopathic manipulation treatment work?

OMT is a hands-on type of treatment. Osteopathic physicians use their eyes and hands to diagnose and treat problems with the body’s framework. They help align and balance your bones and muscles so your body can heal. They also tap into the strength of your body’s lymphatic system to reduce swelling.

There are 25 different therapies that are part of OMT. They include:

  • Counterstrain, which gently shortens the places in your body that are causing pain to help them relax
  • Myofascial release, which uses gentle pressure to help alleviate muscle tightness or pain
  • 出场,一种长而轻的按摩技术,可以帮助您放松和减轻压力
  • The Still technique, which takes your joint through the full range of motion to help tissues relax
  • Muscle energy or inhibition, where you use your muscles against a counterforce to help improve range of motion
  • High-velocity, low-amplitude movements, or movements that use force for a short time or distance to help realign body parts

During a treatment session, your doctor might have you stand, sit or lie down while they touch your muscles and move your limbs. Your exact treatment plan will depend on the condition you’re treating and your overall health.

Who could benefit from osteopathic manipulation?

Almost anyone with an acute or chronic condition could benefit from OMT, and it’s safe for people of all ages. It’s often used for lowerback pain,但这也可以帮助治疗其他类型的疼痛,sleep problems,消化问题,呼吸问题,sports injuriesand other conditions.


How does OMT differ from other treatments?

OMT is similar tophysical therapysince it mainly treats musculoskeletal conditions, but it also addresses tension and tightness in your body’s fascia, which is a type of connective tissue. And it helps drain your lymphatic system to improve circulation.

Like chiropractic care, it can use fast, brief forces. But chiropractic care focuses on those types of movements, while OMT usually assesses and treats problems with the muscles and fascia first.

Unlike surgery, OMT is noninvasive. It uses your own body to heal itself.

您可以单独使用OMT或其他治疗方法针刺, massage and chiropractic care.

The bottom line

如果您患有肌肉骨骼损伤或疼痛,柔韧性降低或炎症,则整骨性操纵疗法可能是一个不错的选择。如果你想connect with an osteopathic physicianwho can help you heal, reach out to Banner Health.

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