
At Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, we are dedicated to helping you before, during and after a cancer diagnosis. Some cancer treatments can result in functional deficits, which can affect the quality of daily life. Our cancer rehabilitation team can help.

Our therapists work closely with you and your oncology team to make sure your cancer rehabilitation plan is tailored to meet your individual needs.

What Can I Expect From Banner’s Cancer Rehabilitation Programs?

Everyone’s cancer diagnosis is different. Banner MD Anderson’s Cancer Rehabilitation programs address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of all cancer patients and their families. We offer the following rehabilitation programs:

Lymphedema Rehabilitation Treatment

Lymphedema is a painful swelling that can occur when there is an interruption of normal lymphatic flow in the body. Lymphatic fluid is protein-rich and can act as a magnet for swelling. The protein serves as a food source for infection, therefore making it difficult to treat.


  • 锻炼:Stretching or other special lymphedema exercises to help move the fluid
  • 皮肤护理:Proper skin care to keep the skin moist and less prone to cracks, cuts and blisters that increase the risk of infection
  • 按摩:手动淋巴排放是一种温和的按摩形式。淋巴米的按摩有助于调动流体并将其引导到身体的其他途径
  • 压缩服装:弹性织物服装,类似于支撑丝袜,对受影响的区域施加压力,有助于移动流体以减少肿胀


癌症physical therapy can help patients improve their strength, flexibility and functional movements, including mobility, walking and balance. The rehabilitation staff at Banner MD Anderson will work with you to determine the specific therapy you may need. We offer the following therapies for cancer rehabilitation:

癌症-Related Fatigue Therapy

癌症相关疲劳是一个common issue for patients with cancer and is a normal complaint from cancer survivors. By definition, cancer-related fatigue is a distressing, persistent, subjective sense of physical, emotional or cognitive exhaustion related to cancer treatment. Cancer-related fatigue can affect every part of a patient’s daily life and can be a barrier to healing. Physical therapy and cancer rehabilitation can help relieve some of this fatigue that is typically caused by:

  • 贫血
  • 合并条件
  • 解剖
  • Emotional distress
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • 感染
  • 药物副作用
  • 疼痛
  • Poor sleep quality and quantity
  • Poor nutrition

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation



Banner MD Anderson’s occupational therapy for oncology patients helps emphasize independence at home and work. Our occupational therapy rehabilitation staff can assist you in improving and learning new ways to carry out basic activities of daily living.


Our occupational therapists can provide the following services:

  • Hand therapy:This type of therapy will help restore and improve upper extremity strength and function. Treatment plans can be developed to improve sensation, range of motion and coordination of hands, arms and shoulders
  • 夹板制造:我们提供定制的夹板,用于现场制造和调整的手和上肢功能的稳定性和改进的功能
  • 节能策略:Our therapists can teach new ways to complete daily tasks to avoid fatigue and maximize independence
  • 使用自适应设备:我们的治疗师可以推荐并指导您使用特殊设备以使日常任务更容易和更安全


横幅MD Anderson的演讲病理学家在头部和颈部癌症方面具有丰富的经验。这些治疗师为癌症患者提供高技能和个性化的语音疗法,包括:



Laryngectomy Rehabilitation

After a total laryngectomy, our speech pathologists work with patients to resume communication through Tracheoesophageal Voice Prosthesis (TEP) and the use of an electrolarynx. Our therapists also work closely with physicians to determine when it is safe to eat and drink to monitor how well patients are tolerating their diet.

Speech/Articulation Therapy



Banner MD Anderson的治疗师提供了彻底的评估和干预,以最大限度地提高患者安全饮用的能力。我们的治疗师将与营养人员密切合作,以确保通过癌症治疗和超越核准营养需求。

Voice Therapy

Voice disorders can sometimes develop after cancer treatments. Our therapists will instruct patients on how to maximize their ability to use their voice and work to improve vocal quality.

For more information about Banner MD Anderson’s rehabilitation programs, please call (480) 256-5387.
