
Try These Tasty Bread Substitutes and Ditch the White Bread

Sandwiches are tasty, convenient and—depending on what you put in them—healthy. But stuffing your fixings between two slices of white bread isn’t always the best choice, even though it may sound good.

Isabel Jacobs, a clinical dietitian at横幅– University Medical Center Phoenix, said, “Bread substitutes can be a healthy addition to your diet.” You might want to look for a bread substitute if:

  • You are trying to limit refined carbohydrates, since white bread contains a lot of them.
  • You are trying to limit added sugars, since white bread often contains high fructose corn syrup or other added sugars.
  • You are intolerant to gluten, or you haveceliac disease, so you need to avoid the gluten that’s found in white bread.
  • 您正在尝试减肥,因为许多面包替代品,尤其是基于蔬菜的替代品,卡路里比白面包低。

Here are some bread substitutes to try

There are lots of healthier alternatives you can turn to that can replace your white bread. “Bread substitutes allow you to incorporate more vegetables, which can add more nutrients, help you manage your blood sugars better and allow you to enjoy your favorite sandwich without the gluten if you are sensitive or intolerant,” Jacobs said.

Here are some options to try:

  • Corn, reduced-carb or whole-grain tortillas
  • Cheese wraps or cheese slices
  • Coconut wraps
  • Cauliflower bread
  • Cucumber slices
  • Sweet potato slices
  • Bell pepper slices
  • 波多贝罗蘑菇
  • Lettuce
  • Egg bread

“These substitutes can help you cut down on the calories from carbohydrates, which can help you improve yourblood sugars,” Jacobs said. “And trying bread substitutes, especially the ones that are made of vegetables, may also be a fun new way to eat more veggies!”

If you’re buying a packaged wrap or bread substitute, be sure to look over the nutrition information to make sure the bread meets your needs. Some are low in carbs but still high in calories or fat, making you think they are healthier than they really are.

Here are some types of bread that are healthier choices

“Bread is often painted as the problem with our diets, and we sometimes forget how good whole grains can be for us,” Jacobs said. “They contain fiber, help lower cholesterol, reduce risk for中风anddiabetes, and keep you fuller longer. So, if you’re looking for a first step to cutting out white bread, take a baby step and switch to whole-wheat bread first.”

Sourdough bread can also be a healthier choice than white bread. Because sourdough bread is fermented, it’s good for yourgut bacteria,并且比大多数白面包拥有更多的B族维生素和低血糖指数。

The bottom line

If you’re looking for healthier alternatives to white bread, there are lots of options to choose from. You can switch to whole-wheat bread, sourdough bread or a range of more nutritious options for bread substitutes. If you would like tovwin.comac德赢官方首页 you can make in your diet, reach out to a health care professional at Banner Health.

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