

阿尔茨海默氏病and other forms of dementia can diminish memory, reasoning and other skills. But there’s more to dementia than memory loss. “Behavioral changes are very common and affect upwards of 95% of people with dementia,” saidGanesh Gopalakrishna, MD, a geriatric psychiatrist at旗帜阿尔茨海默氏症研究所在亚利桑那州凤凰城。我们与Gopalakrishna博士进行了交谈,讨论了遵循痴呆症诊断的行为和个性的各种变化。



  • Depression
  • 一般冷漠,即使是为了曾经发现愉快的活动
  • 全天对简单行为的焦虑
  • 快速愤怒和忧虑
  • 隐藏事物或相信别人正在隐藏事物
  • Imagining things that aren’t there
  • 模棱两可的损失和悲伤
  • 倾向在家漫步
  • 起搏
  • 下降个人卫生
  • New or unusual sexual behavior
  • Hitting you or others
  • Misunderstanding what they see or hear

Dr. Gopalakrishna explained that depression and anxiety are very common in patients and can even begin to present 10-15 years在认知症状之前like memory loss will appear. The combined effects of behavioral and cognitive changes compound to create a very压力很大。学习应对症状,一个接一个,as they appear, will make finding peace easier when various symptoms are present at the same time – for everyone.


It is common to feel overwhelmed with the behavioral symptoms related to dementia. Witnessing these changes in your loved one can feel isolating and unnerving. Remember that you aren’t alone. Lean on the support of your health care provider and inform them as personality changes appear and develop. Together, you’ll be more equipped to confront these changes with patience and optimism.


Easing the burden of a changing personality

“Behavioral symptoms can be very unsettling for patients with dementia,” commented Dr. Gopalakrishna. For your loved ones, these new emotional changes feel like the world is changing around them. Helping them to cope with their evolving emotions in a peaceful way is an important role for caretakers. In these moments, caretakers can rely on various tactics to help bring calm and understanding.


Changing plans and new faces can be very overwhelming and can flip the switch from peace to panic. Keep a written, consistent calendar as often as possible and remind your loved one often when新事物即将到来。






Behavioral swings can happen in an instant. In those moments, having a solution on hand will help to avoid escalation. Take a look at these护理T.I.P.S.(尝试包括实践策略)由旗帜阿尔茨海默氏症研究所提供。您会发现有关许多情况的解决方案的有用的抽认卡避免争论,冷漠andnutrition

From the outside

阿尔茨海默氏症和其他形式的痴呆症不仅影响了被诊断患有这种疾病的痴呆症的生活。作为看守人,朋友或家庭成员, witnessing the changes in your loved one can be heartbreaking. You may feel all alone in your struggle to connect and care for them. Remember that您可能还需要支持in these times. Seek counseling and专业护理根据需要减轻您所爱的人的负担和自己的负担。

You can learn more about the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease,Lewy body dementiaandmany other types of dementia通过阅读这些类似的文章:

Salud de la tercera Edad Enfermedad de Alzheimer y Demencia Cuidar a alguien 神经科西亚

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