Results for "Neurociencia"

Does My Child Have ADHD or Are They Just Being a Kid?
As a parent, it can be hard to tell the difference between childlike behavior and more serious problems, like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder...
Tardive Dyskinesia: A Common Culprit of Face and Body Tics
Smacking your lips without realizing it. Excessively blinking your eyes. Making unusual faces. Making repetitive, spastic, involuntary movements with your...
Oct 17
Nerve Transfer Surgery: When and Why You Might Need It
If you were to take all the nerves in your body’s nervous system, stretch them out and place them end to end, they’d be more than 40 miles long. That’s...
Oct 13
How to Tell if Sciatica Is Triggering the Pain in Your Back
If you have pain that runs from your lower back through your buttock, down your leg and into your ankle or foot, it could be sciatica. Sciatica is a medical...
Sep 13
What Your Headache Location Can Tell You
We’ve all had a splitting headache at one time or another, whether it was due to the drinks you had the night before, stress or the tree blooming outside...
Aug 27
Coping with Emotional and Mental Changes After a Stroke
As a stroke survivor, you’ve faced some major life changes—some physical but also mental. Dealing with these changes can be hard and even downright frustrating...
Jul 31
Lo Que Debes Saber Sobre Tu Riesgo de Síndrome de Guillain-Barré
Desde la diabetes hasta las deficiencias de vitaminas y las infecciones, muchas afecciones diferentes pueden causar entumecimiento, hormigueo o debilidad...
Jul 20
The Best Ways to Prevent Wear and Tear on Your Spine
Sometimes, it seems like just about anything you do can trigger back pain. Picking up a child, unloading the dishwasher, or even sleeping in the wrong...
Jul 13
不宁腿综合症或外围N吗europathy—Or Both?
Does leg discomfort have you pacing your bedroom at night? Or do you experience burning and tingling in your legs and feet during long car trips or air...
Jun 25
La Enfermedad Cardiovascular, el Derrame Cerebral y la Enfermedad Arterial Periférica: ¿Cómo se Relacionan?
Un problema similar puede atacar tu cuerpo en distintas áreas. La enfermedad cardiovascular (en inglés) afecta al corazón. El derrame cerebral (en inglés)...
Jun 14