
Is Eating Healthy The Way To Better Mental Health?

In recent years, the number of people interested in not just preventative health, but specifically nutrition, has increased drastically. While we know that proper nutrition is extremely important to overall health and ensuring your body functions at its best, can it also help improve mental health? Well, research says yes.


This study includes some fascinating findings indicating that fruits and vegetables not only benefit physical health in the long run, but also mental well-being in the short run.

A Few Statistics from the Study

  • Increasing the frequency of vegetable consumption from “never” to “4 to 6 days per week” generates approximately the same estimated increase in life satisfaction as being married.
  • 相反,从“每周4到5天”吃蔬菜到“从不”会导致与丧偶的估计估计损失。
  • 在水果和蔬菜中发现的复杂碳水化合物可能会增强情绪,而精制的蔗糖(在糖果和含糖的软饮料中更常见)可能会使情绪恶化。
  • 食用更多的水果和蔬菜可能会导致那些可能不利于幸福感的其他食品群体消耗,例如精制糖和高脂食品。

那么,是真的吗?吃更多的蔬菜真的可以像研究所指出的那样改变生活吗?我们与Banner行为健康医院精神科医生Yazhini Srivathsal博士进行了交谈,以了解有关适当营养和改善心理健康之间可能相关性的更多信息。


It is important to understand the different impacts thatsimple sugars(食物中发现的像糖果和苏打水)和复杂的carbohydrates (found in fruits and vegetables) have on your body.

Simple sugars are digested and absorbed in the blood stream very quickly and are ready to be burned almost immediately. This is great if you are about to engage in a hard workout, but if you’re not going to be doing a physically strenuous activity, then you won’t burn off these sugars. In that case, Dr. Srivathsal explains, “The unused sugars in the blood stream increase insulin secretion, clearing up this unused circulating sugar, and saving it for later, which brings down your blood sugar levels. This decrease in blood sugar levels lead to another wave of hunger.”



因此,这是否意味着有良好的证据表明吃水果和蔬菜会改善心理健康?不幸的是,不完全是。“虽然我们知道必须吃水果和蔬菜以进行整体健康,但需要对水果与蔬菜与心理健康之间的相关性进行更多的研究。在我们说这是事实证据之前,需要进行更大且更长的试验。” Srivathsal博士说。

In the meantime, try incorporating a few extra servings of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet and pay attention to how you feel. While the evidence may not be all there yet, few will argue that eating more fruits and vegetables will affect your mental health negatively. Therefore, because of the obvious physical health benefits of adjusting your diet, it may not hurt to try incorporating some more fruits and veggies into your meals. Plus, when you stick to your goal of eating more fruits and vegetables, you feel a sense of accomplishment. This adds to the joy of making a dietary change and provides a healthier “instant gratification” than the reward provided by sugary foods.




  • 尝试当地的时令农产品。
  • 继续旋转您的农产品并尝试新物品。
  • Involve the whole family in picking the fresh produce and cooking it.
  • Make it a habit by making simple changes as often as you desire.

“坚持新的习惯需要大量有意识的努力,这可能会累人。陷入旧习惯要容易得多,这可能会发生。这是完全正常的,” Srivathsal博士解释说。“请不要为此击败自己。感到内gui可能不像问自己从经历中学到的东西以及如何防止将来发生的东西那样有帮助。”

To help you begin your journey to healthier eating, check out our解码饮食博客系列有助于回答您有关流行饮食的所有问题,以及它们的优势和缺点。


行为健康 焦虑 Depression Nutrition

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