Better Me

Medications That Could Trigger Dangerous Serotonin Syndrome

You’ve probably heard of serotonin. It’s a chemical produced by nerves in your body that helps keep your mood balanced. Since it affects your mood, doctors often prescribe drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat depression by increasing your serotonin levels.

Serotonin syndrome is a serious adverse drug reaction that can develop if you get too much serotonin in your system. “Symptoms can range from very mild to lethal,” said杰里·斯诺, MD, a toxicologist at Banner Health.

What are the symptoms of serotonin syndrome?

With serotonin syndrome, you may notice:

  • Altered mental status such as confusion or changes in your thinking
  • 睡眠困难
  • Agitation or restlessness
  • Increased heart rate and/or blood pressure
  • Dilated pupils
  • Tremors or shivering
  • Goosebumps
  • 出汗
  • Headache
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Muscle rigidity, spasms or twitching and involuntary muscle contractions

In severe cases, you could experience:

  • High body temperature
  • Seizures
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Loss of consciousness

What causes serotonin syndrome?

You could develop serotonin syndrome from using medications that affect your serotonin levels, interactions between drugs or overdose of certain drugs. “Many medications are associated with the syndrome,” Dr. Snow said. And they aren’t just drugs that treat沮丧or other mental health conditions. They include:

  • 单胺氧化酶抑制剂(MAOI)
  • 三环抗抑郁药
  • Selective serotonin reupdate inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Opiate analgesics
  • Over-the-counter cough medicines (dextromethorphan)
  • Antibiotics
  • Weight-reduction agents
  • 减少恶心或呕吐的药物,称为抗死药
  • 反宫颈药
  • Drugs of abuse
  • Herbal products such as St. John’s Wort

You’re at higher risk for serotonin syndrome if you just started or increased a medication that raises serotonin levels or if you take more than one drug that increases levels. It’s unlikely that you’ll develop serotonin syndrome if you’re taking just one drug and taking it as prescribed. “Even following an overdose of an SSRI, serotonin syndrome occurs in only 14 to 16% of people,” Dr. Snow said.


It’s crucial that you talk to your doctor or pharmacist about all your medications. That way, you can make adjustments if needed to avoid possible interactions. You might not think to mention cough medicine, dietary supplements or herbal products, but try not to overlook anything. “Avoiding the combination of multiple drugs is a critical step in prevention,” Dr. Snow said.

How is serotonin syndrome diagnosed?

No lab test can confirm serotonin syndrome, so doctors make a diagnosis based on your medical history and a physical exam. If you have taken drugs that could cause serotonin syndrome in the last several weeks and you have tremors, increased reflexes and involuntary muscle contractions, your doctor may diagnose it.

How is serotonin syndrome treated?


The bottom line

Serotonin syndrome is a dangerous interaction caused by drugs that affect your serotonin level. Talk to your doctor about your medications to see if you’re at risk. Tovwin.comac德赢官方首页 ,接触横幅健康。主頁(欢迎您)

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