
Eating Disorders: Maintaining Balance During the Pandemic

的不确定性COVID-19 pandemic引发了对每个人的健康和食物稀缺的恐惧,但它特别触发了患有厌食症和贪食症的患者的疾病或狂犬病患者疾病。

In short:Eating disordersCovid-19是大流行期间蓬勃发展的不完美风暴。

“We are isolated from friends, families and support groups, gyms are closed, and we no longer go to an office or follow a regular routine,” said Lesley Williams, MD, a family medicine physician and eating disorder specialist at横幅Behavioral Health. “People are now having to endure and are left to their own devices, which undoubtingly is sparking unhealthy behaviors.”

With disrupted routines, isolation, fears over family and friends and more time scrolling social media, those struggling with an eating disorder might resort back to bad habits to cope, such as restricting food, bingeing and purging.

这尤其是治疗像威廉姆斯博士这样的医生,他们认识到致命的影响生活改变事件,如大流行可能会对那些对抗这种疾病的人。几乎是近似的审查50年的研究confirms that anorexia has thehighest mortality rate任何精神障碍。

Thriving in a Pandemic

For many, eating is a form of control. In March 2020, when food scarcity and stockpiling behaviors began across the country, increasedanxieties and fearsabout eating or overeating grew among those with eating disorders. Grocery shopping was already triggering. Just throw in food shortages and frenzied behavior, and it becomes more difficult.

为了将燃料添加到火灾中,关于社交媒体的建议播种警告我们在隔离期间获得“科罗长11”。对于那些苦苦挣扎的人来说,这次警告也引发了焦虑并构成了重新参与的风险消极行为such as bingeing, skipping meals and over-exercising.

“Look, during these times, it should be normal and healthy to want to reach for some comfort foods versus a salad,” Dr. Williams said. “This can be hard when social media tells us to feel and look otherwise. It’s OK to normalize comfort food during this time.”





“This seems to be a common thread for those who’ve been most successful during the pandemic,” Dr. Williams said.

Connections with others that are healthy, positive and build you up are crucial for those battling an eating disorder, not just during uncertain times such as these. Schedule a virtual hangout with friends and family or go on a socially distanced walk or hike. Join a meal support group that offers helpful tips and tools that are effective in helping you during this time. Engage in anti-diet and body positive activities.

Limit Social Media

When it comes to connections, many of us consider Twitter, Instagram and Facebook tools to do that, but beware. “There is a direct correlation with body image concerns and interactions with social media,” Dr. Williams cautioned. “Not only are you being inundated with idealistic images of how you are supposed to look, feel and be, but even some of these memes or jokes poking fun at the pandemic and weight gain are falling short of that. We need to combat it.”

It’s easy to get sucked into social media. Skim the news and social media and set firm time limits. If you want to truly “connect,” text, call, FaceTime or even get old-fashioned with a letter.


Working from home, socializing from home, eating from home—everything is at home these days. This can definitely trigger some new or old negative habits or behaviors.



到达专业人士in your area and make sure you are getting as much support as you can during this time. Many therapists and specialists are even doing assessments, outpatient programs and therapy through telehealth/teletherapy.


Know You Aren’t Weak or Alone


“It would actually be abnormal to say that the pandemic hasn’t impacted your life in some way or been triggered negatively in some way,” Dr. Williams said. “This is one time we are all hurting; we are all impacted. Let’s take the stigma and shame out of it.”

Get Help


If you notice it’s starting to impact your quality of life, family life and well-being, don’t hesitate to speak to a professional. Here is a list of resources to get you or a loved one help:

  • 横幅Behavioral Health:Call the Appointment Line at 800-254-4357. To find a Banner Health specialist, visitvwin.comac德赢官方首页 .
  • 国家饮食障碍协会(NEDA):在线,电话或短信洽谈,以获取800-931-2237的帮助。
  • 物质滥用和心理健康服务管理局(SAMHSA):Call the 24-hour hotline at 800-662-4357.
Behavioral Health Wellness COVID-19 Infectious Disease

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