
10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship and What to Do About It


But what happens if your friendship is bringing more harm than good? What if your so-called friend is toxic?

Toxic relationshipsare hard to sustain because they drain your energy, cause you to isolate from your support system and you end up suffering in silence,” said Veronica Perez-Cake, a licensed master social worker at Banner Health. "Toxic relationships contribute to increased levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, which contributes toanxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, difficulties with concentration and can cause serious health problems.”

If you believe you’re in a toxic relationship, there are quite a few signs you can look out for to determine whether it’s unhealthy. Some red flags may be subtle—others more obvious. Here are 10 types of toxic people to look out for and six ways to extinguish the relationship.

Signs of Toxic Friends Infographic

What to Do About a Toxic Relationship

If you read the above list and thought, “Check, check, check,” it’s time to cut ties with this relationship. You don’t need toxic people or negativity in your life, whether it’s from a supposed BFF or a significant other. You need (and deserve!) people who care and want to spend time with you and lift you up. But, when, where, and how does one do this? Perez-Cake shared these six tips.

1. Evaluate your relationship with this person


“Start by asking yourself why you are staying in this relationship in the first place,” Perez-Cake said. “Do you feel good about the relationship or does your behavior change and others have taken notice? Friends or partners should contribute to your well-being—not take it. If someone doesn’t have your best interest, then limiting exposure to them is advisable.”

2. Find professional support

Getting out of a toxic relationship is hard, so you’re going to want some professional help from a licensed behavioral health specialist. While you aren’t to blame, you may consistently play a role in relationships that aren’t good for you. Being aware of those patterns and how to break free from them can help.


Surround yourself with those who remind you about all the good things in a healthy relationship. Reach out to close friends and family who can provide you support and help you cope with your feelings and move on. You want to surround yourself with people who are cheerleaders in your growth and well-being.

4. Make a list of your own goals and desires


5. Make a plan to exit the relationship


6. Take a deep breath and just leave

“There is no perfect time to do it,” Perez-Cake said. You may not feel like yourself for a while but give it time. Remind yourself this is temporary and that eventually you’ll begin to feel better. Continue to surround yourself with positive people and speak with a mental health professional if you need additional help.


If you’re beingphysically, verbally or sexually abused,您需要立即退出并寻求帮助。以下是一些可以帮助您安全导航下一步的资源:

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