
Caring for a New Baby? Watch Out for Mommy Thumb

准备自己—at least as much as you could—for all of the changes that come with taking care of a new baby. You decorated a nursery, stocked up on diapers and geared up for the sleepless nights. But you might not have expected you would be dealing with the pain of mommy thumb.

Never heard of it? “It’s a wrist and hand condition more formally called de Quervain’s tendinitis,” saidErik Bradley,做矫形外科医生Banner Health Clinicin Gilbert, AZ, who specializes in treating手条件。您可能还会听到它叫做新母亲的疾病或腕部肌腱炎。

It’s called mommy thumb since women are often the primary caregivers for young children, so they’re more likely to be affected. But it can affect people of any gender or age. It often appears when your baby is about four to six weeks old.

If you have mommy thumb, you’ll notice pain, swelling, and discomfort on the thumb side of your wrist and the base of your thumb. Symptoms are worse when you lift, grip or twist your wrist.

New parents are prone to mommy thumb because they are often lifting their baby for feeding, comforting or diaper changes. They overuse or injure their tendons, and that triggers inflammation, pain and swelling.

Can you avoid mommy thumb?

“Mommy thumb can be hard to prevent,” Dr. Bradley said. If you start to notice pain, you can try to avoid lifting, turning or twisting your wrists. You can also wear a wrist brace that includes the thumb.

How can you treat mommy thumb?


  • Try to avoid activities that trigger pain—use a baby carrier instead of your hands to hold your baby, and prop your baby on a pillow for support during喂养
  • 冰你的手腕和拇指的基础,以减少炎症
  • 服用像布洛芬或萘普生这样的反抗炎药,或像乙酰氨基酚一样的疼痛缓解 - 问你的医生如果你是安全的breastfeeding
  • Brace your wrist and thumb for support

If you’re not seeing improvement in two to four weeks, or if your pain is severe, talk to your doctor. If at-home treatments aren’t working your doctor might recommend a cortisone injection. If you’re still not getting relief, a minor surgical procedure can help.

The bottom line

新父母和people who care for infants are prone to a type of tendonitis called mommy thumb. “Although the condition can be quite painful and debilitating, it can be successfully treated once it has been diagnosed,” Dr. Bradley said.

Start by modifying your activities, icing your wrist, taking anti-inflammatory medication and bracing your thumb and wrist. If you’re still experiencing pain, talk to your doctor or connect with aBanner Health physician

For more content for new parents, check out:

Ortopedia Paternidad. Salud de la mujer

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