
Tips To Help Maintain Your Memory

I can remember my childhood best friend’s phone number from 25 years ago, but I still forget things my wife told me two days ago – sorry, Sweetheart! It’s not that I am forgetful as much as I am distracted, but given my family’s history of dementia, I want to make sure I’m taking care of my brain and avoid memory problems.

好奇,我问安娜伯克,MD,一个Banner Alzheimer’s Institutegeriatric psychiatrist and dementia specialist, for things I can do to help maintain my memory.

Burke博士说了一些记忆问题 - 需要更长的时间来记住一个单词或名称,例如 - 是老龄化的正常部分,更像是一个烦恼。好消息是你可以做几件事来维护内存,从...开始......

Cognitive Stimulation

Using your brain is one key way you can maintain your memory. Certain activities can create new connections to information stored in your brain, allowing information to get around even if some connections are lost with age, according to Dr. Burke. The best part is you may already be doing some of these memory-maintaining activities.

“Games and online computer games, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, learning a new language and playing musical instruments all help create new connections in the brain,” Dr. Burke said.


If all of the other reasons to exercise weren’t enough, Dr. Burke said, “Exercise has a huge influence on cognitive capabilities.”

In fact, even 30 to 40 minutes per day can help someone maintain their memory, according to Dr. Burke. A brisk walk, a nice bike ride or run can all make a difference.

Social Activities

Many assisted living facilities have activities to get the residents out and interacting with each other on a social level, and there is a very good reason for this. Dr. Burke notes that social activities with peers actually use different parts of the brain than when we interact with family.




However, a diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and minimal red meats, such as a Mediterranean diet, can help maintain your memory.

She added, “What is good for the heart is good for the brain.”


We’ve covered the importance of sleep before on this blog, and it should come as no surprise that it can impact memory. Dr. Burke notes a good night’s sleep is good for your memory.


Besides these five things people should try to do, there are things Dr. Burke recommends avoiding. The list is probably not very surprising:

  • Eliminate bad habits.Avoid tobacco andexcessive酒精使用。(每天为男性的两杯和两个眼镜的一杯葡萄酒可能是有益的,但更多并不好)。
  • Avoid stress.抑郁和高度紧张的情况下可以加强act memory.
  • Take care of your general health.Diabetes, heart disease and atrial fibrillation, for example, can increase risk for memory troubles.

If you feel like your memory is starting to slip, Dr. Burke said there is help.

“As soon as you identify that something is off, visit your doctor,” she said. “There are certain tests they can do or can refer the person to a specialist to determine if it is simply normal aging or if it is excessive and requires intervention.”

And, don’t forget to sign up for theAlzheimer’s Prevention Registry– especially if you have a family history of dementia.

Alzheimers Disease and Dementia Neurosciences

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