
The Best Way to Talk to Your Kids about Dementia

When a loved one receives a dementia diagnosis, it affects your whole family, including your children. You may not be sure what to tell your kids, exactly. It’s important to communicate with them in a way that’s appropriate for their age and that reflects their relationship with their loved one.

When to talk to your kids about dementia

The first step is to decide when to have your initial conversation. If the person with dementia is in the early stages of the disease, ask them if they would like to be included. “If they want to participate, they can offer information and comfort to the child,” said Amber Ayers, a dementia specialist withBanner Alzheimer’s Institutein Tucson.

It’s time to have a conversation if the loved one’s behavior changes suddenly or if they call a child by another family member’s name. Even if you don’t notice those changes, don’t underestimate kids. “They’re very intuitive,” Ayers said.


Explain that the person has a brain disease, and name the disease, whether it’sAlzheimer’s, dementia or another diagnosis. From there, explain the symptoms, focusing on what the child may have noticed, such as记忆丧失, the inability to stay organized or forgetting an appointment. “Don’t dumb things down,” Ayers said.


Give your child space to ask you for information. You can encourage them by asking questions like, “Is there anything you want to know?”

和acknowledge your own feelings—if you are sad, anxious or scared, let your child know. “Sharing your emotions allows your child to express what they are feeling. Don’t assume your feelings are their feelings. Let them tell you what they are worried about,” Ayers said.

How to continue the conversation

Your loved one’s condition will likely get worse. “Keep the lines of communication open so that as things change, you can continue to inform and comfort your child,” Ayers said. “Offer quiet time and space to allow the child the freedom to start a conversation with you.”

Children connect with the symptoms, not the disease. For example, they can relate to forgetting someone’s name or where the keys are, or to feeling a sudden change in emotion that they don’t know how to express. Explain the circumstance or behavior in a way that’s suitable for your child’s age and maturity. And remind them that the person’s behavior is not their fault—it’s a result of the disease.


You may also want to help your child找到支持小组或在线资源where they can connect with other children in a similar situation.

How to maintain a connection between your child and the loved one

Encourage your child to spend time with their loved one. If there’s an activity they both enjoy, create opportunities for them to share it. It can be helpful for both your child and your loved one with dementia to express themselves through art—music, writing, drawing or dancing. And artistic expression can bring up concerns or feelings you can talk about later.

Children, and people with dementia, may enjoy sensory processing tools like pillows, fidget blankets or fiber optic lamps. “Using these tools can help create a connection between them,” Ayers said.

The bottom line

当亲人接受痴呆症诊断时,包括儿童在内的整个家庭都很难。通过交谈,分享感受和保持联系,您可以在艰难时期帮助您的孩子和亲人的人来管理。如果你想vwin.comac德赢官方首页 who can help you communicate with your children, Banner Health can help.

For additional suggestions and guidance, listen to our痴呆症无处不在podcast—"与您的孩子谈论痴呆症“。

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