
How Often Should My Child Really Bathe or Shower?

当您小时候,洗澡时间非常有趣。气泡,玩具 - 到处都是水。但是对于看着和洗澡的父母来说,一个经常想到的问题是“我的孩子多久一次真的need this much fun?”

To bathe or not to bathe … ‘tis a very good question

In the early 1900s, a typical family only bathed once a week. With the advent of indoor plumbing and modern hygiene practices, today,大多数美国人淋浴每周几次每天两次!

While a daily shower is thought to be healthier (helping scuff off bacteria, dirt, chemicals and irritants), for many, it’s more about habit and for aesthetic purposes—to look so fresh and so clean, clean (thank you, Outkast!).




From Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher to Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, some couples say they don’t believe in washing their children every day. While we shouldn’t take advice from Hollywood elite, health care experts tend to agree with them.

“You shouldn’t bathe your children as much as you think,” said布里恩纳·米勒(Brienna Miller), MD, a pediatrician withBanner Health Clinicin Greeley, CO. “Over-bathing can actually strip your child of their natural oils and protective skin cell barrier leading to dry, irritated skin.”


Bathing advice for children under the age 11


When you do bathe young children, here are some tips for healthy bathing:

  • Use a safe, sturdy tub零件牢固地附着并运行良好。请注意任何边缘,颠簸或吊索。寻找光滑边缘和无吊索的浴缸。避免可折叠和充气浴缸。检查浴缸是否生锈和霉菌。每次使用后排干并清洁浴缸。
  • Never leave your child alone in the bathtub. Children can drown in as little as one to two inches of water.
  • 保持热水器低于120华氏度,以避免燃烧。


Bathing advice for children over the age of 11 (or when puberty starts)

青春期后,每天洗澡essential due to new hormones flowing through the body bringing along unwanted body odor and acne. Your child should also wash their face twice a day with a gentlenoncomedogenic face wash.

Also, don’t think they can skip a shower after a dip in the pool, lake or ocean. Getting wet doesn’t equal getting clean. Like with showering post-workout, a shower after swimming in a pool or natural body of water will help reduce their risk for infections and rashes.

Not all soaps are created equal

Look for mild soaps and cleansers that are either unscented or without much scent and unscented shampoos with a neutral pH, so they won’t damage hair or irritate the scalp and eyes. “Don’t assume all baby soaps are mild,” Dr. Miller cautioned. “Read the label and check with your child’s health care provider if you’re unsure.”

As your child enters puberty, an antibacterial soap may be beneficial if they are struggling with acne.


Whether you live in a dry climate or your child tends to have皮肤干或湿疹,在浴后涂上保湿剂很重要,因为它将沐浴时的皮肤锁定在湿气中。

“The school of thought used to be that bathing too much could irritate eczema, but in reality, research suggests that people with eczema should bathe more often,” Dr. Miller said. “That’s because moisturizers work better on damp skin and help those with eczema restore moisture back to the skin.”


Bath time is lots of fun, but it doesn’t have to be every day. There may be days when washing up makes good sense – like if your child has an爆炸性尿布or reeks of onions – but really bathing two to three times a week is just fine.

If your child has a skin condition like eczema or has suddenly developeda rash or patchy red skin, check with their provider to get tailored advice.

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儿童健康 照料 Parenting

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