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Hospice: A Guide to End-of-Life Care

死亡。没有人喜欢谈论它 - 甚至考虑它。在其他一天或时间进行思考和讨论要容易得多。但是,不可避免地,您可能会面对照顾者对即将结束生命的亲人的角色。

Caring for a loved one isn’t easy. Because many Americans lackadvanced directives, there are several factors to consider and decisions you may have to make when it comes to your loved one’s end-of-life care. One of those difficult decisions might be choosing hospice care.


Sarah Payne,做,医疗总监Banner Hospice Phoenix,解释临终关怀的好处,并揭穿一些常见的神话。




Hospice agencies most often provide services in the patient's home, but it can also be provided in free-standing or independent facilities specially-designed to provide hospice care.


Yes and no. A good way to think of it is that all hospice care is palliative care, but not all palliative care is hospice.


临终关怀,同时积极治疗信谊ptoms, treats those for comfort at end of life and forgoes curative therapies and treatments. It is provided for a person with a terminal illness whose doctor believes the patient has six months or less to live if the illness runs its natural course.



“True person-centered care is what hospice is all about,” Dr. Payne said. “Hospice is not just for the patient; it is for the caregivers and family as well.”

Benefits include:

  • 临终关怀医院提供一个跨学科护理团队,包括护理,个人助手护理,社会工作,医生和护士从业人员护理,他们在生命疾病中经验丰富。
  • 亲人的预局
  • 耐心和亲人的精神和宗教咨询
  • 音乐和宠物疗法
  • 悲伤支持咨询和丧亲服务



While each hospice program has different policies regarding payment, be rest assured that services will be offered based on your loved one’s needs rather than your ability to pay.

Four common myths about hospice

Myth #1:临终关怀是一个地方。

事实:“Hospice is not a place but rather, a philosophy of care,” Dr. Payne said. “Hospice comes to you wherever you call home, surrounding you and your caregivers with the support you need at the end of life.”

神话#2:Hospice is giving up.

事实:“Hospice is not giving up,” Dr. Payne said. “It is enhanced care at the end of life, to maximize quality of life at the end of life.”

Myth #3:临终关怀只适合那些积极死亡的人。

事实:“Hospice is for any person with chronic illness whose life expectancy is six months or less,” Dr. Payne said. “The true benefit of electing hospice care is seen when hospice is brought in sooner rather than later.”

神话#4:Can patients actually improve?

事实:This one is actually true!


“Should the patient continue to decline, they have everything they need to do this with comfort and dignity on hospice care. Should the patient improve, they can either choose to revoke their hospice benefit or the hospice may say the patient no longer qualifies for hospice care and they graduate.”



How to choose a hospice provider

Do you have a loved one nearing the end of life, or are you considering end-of-life care options? To locate a hospice program, discuss with your doctors, nurses and social workers or asked friends and family for advice.

要了解有关临终关怀的更多信息,请访问。你也可以参观Medicare.govto compare hospice facilities in your area or the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization for an online提供商目录


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