
25 Alternatives To Halloween Candy To Make The Kids Cheer

When it comes to Halloween candy, there can be safety concerns for parents. Some children have food allergies, which prevents them from eating certain types of candy. And some parents may just have concerns over too much sugar. However, there are fun alternatives to make everyone feel included!

威廉·卡尔弗(William Culver)博士specializes in allergy and immunology at Banner Health’sMcKee Medical Center。他说,5 - 8的儿童和2 - 3 /百分比cent of adults are at risk for severe life-threatening reactions to food allergy.

“In many cases, prior reactions are not as severe or nonexistent,” Dr. Culver said. “20–25 percent of allergic reactions requiring epinephrine in schools are for children without a prior history of food allergy.”

A cause for concern

Almost any food can cause a reaction and miniature candies might not have labels saying which ingredients are in it. This makes it hard for parents to know if the candy is safe for their kid.

Dr. Culver offered some tips for parents when deciding what sweets their child should eat:

  • Parents should make sure their child avoids the sweets until they can be inspected at home
  • If your child trick-or-treats freely, offer to trade unsafe items for safe treats or a special prize like a book or toy
  • Let your child know that he/she can’t eat any candies without you checking the label and approving it first
  • Be sure to check the labels and find out the manufacturing practices of your favorite treats

If your child does have an allergic reaction, the first treatment is to separate your child from the candy. Mild symptoms such as limited hives or itching may be treated with an antihistamine, Dr. Culver said. More severe, systemic symptoms such as marked swelling of the face or tongue, respiratory difficulty, wheezing, diffuse hives, lethargy, or severe gastrointestinal symptoms require the use of an Epinephrine injector.

TheTeal Pumpkin Project为有食物过敏的孩子提供替代品,以及其他不能吃糖果的孩子。家庭可以展示蓝绿色南瓜或食物过敏研究和教育的标志,以表示他们正在提供非食品零食。


Here is a list of 25 things you can hand out to your trick-or-treaters instead of candy:

  1. Stickers
  2. Temporary tattoos
  3. Whistles
  4. Bubbles
  5. Crayons
  6. 弹力球
  7. Friendship bracelets
  8. Glow sticks or glow wands
  9. Plastic rings
  10. 塑料错误
  11. Hair accessories
  12. Cool, colorful erasers
  13. Spider rings
  14. Pencils or pencil toppers
  15. Squirt guns
  16. Miniature model clay dough
  17. Pirate eye patches
  18. Yo-yos
  19. Rubber stamps
  20. Kazoos
  21. Noisemakers
  22. Plastic dinosaurs
  23. Spin tops or poppers
  24. Small cars
  25. Folding fans

Be aware that even some non-food treats contain allergens. Some brands of moldable clay contain wheat, for instance, and you should try to choose latex-free options. Many of these items are found in bulk online for the same price (or close) to those huge bags of candy.

To see which houses are participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project, you can look at the参与图on the FARE website.

Read more:This or that? A look at Halloween treats' nutritional values

Nutrición Bienestar Paternidad Salud del niño

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