Car Seat Safety



  • Prior to using and installing your car seat read the instructions, 4 out of 5 car seats are used incorrectly. Read the vehicle owner's manual - the seat belt, car seat installation and LATCH sections along air bag warnings.
  • 扣儿童(年龄到12岁)在后座。允许青少年和成年人进入前排座位。安全气囊可以杀死或严重伤害儿童,包括带有安全气囊的新车辆。
  • 切勿将后排安全座椅放在有乘客安全气囊的前排座椅上。
  • Car seat have expiration dates on them, so please check for that and do not use the seat past that date if there is one.
  • 如果护理座椅发生撞车事故,则如果发生以下一个或多个,可能会再次使用:
    • 有人在坠机事故中受伤
    • 儿童安全座椅损坏的门
    • 部署了安全气囊
    • Vehicle had to be towed from crash
    • You can see damage to car seat or call car seat manufacture.
  • 当正确安装汽车座椅时,在皮带路径上不应将一英寸以上的侧面或前后移动。
  • 可以使用安全带或较低的锚点安装汽车座椅(闩锁)(闩锁)。使用最适合您的座椅和车辆的方法。检查车辆所有者手册或致电汽车制造以找出车辆闩锁的重量限制,重量限制包括汽车座椅和儿童的重量。



You can use an infant or convertible seat as long as the seat fits your child’s weight and height and fits in your vehicle. Children should ride rear facing in their car seat to the upper weight limit of the seat until 35 to 40 pounds in most cases with convertible seat and some with infant seats. A rear facing car seat absorbs the force of a car crash, so do not turn the seat around before they mean the weight limit. They cannot be turned around before the child is one year old and weighs 20 pounds.

  • Harness straps should be at or below the infant's shoulders.
  • The harness straps should be snug. You should be unable to pinch the harness at the shoulders. This is your baby's seat belt -- keeping it snug will keep the infant safe!
  • The harness chest clip must be at the infant's armpit level. This clip will position the harness straps to stay over the baby's shoulders, before a crash.
  • 在5至6个月之间的婴儿(颈部肌肉较强)之间,新生儿的后排座椅倾斜了大约45度角的后排座椅和35-45度角。请参阅儿童座椅上的说明。


Children should ride rear facing until they are 1 year old or weigh 20 pounds; it is recommended they ride rear facing until they are 2 years old or outgrow the weight limit on their seat. Harness seat weight limits vary depending on the seat. Common weight limits are 40, 65, and 80 pounds. Harness straps should be at or above the child's shoulders.

  • 线束皮带应穿过大多数安全座椅的顶部插槽。检查说明。
  • 线束皮带应贴合。您应该无法将线束捏在肩膀上。记住 - 这是婴儿的安全带!
  • 线束胸部夹子应处于孩子的腋下水平。它将线束皮带放在孩子的肩膀上,因此在撞车事故中,孩子留在安全座椅上。
  • 将前向座椅放在直立的位置
  • Use a top tether strap when installing your seat, whether you are using the seat belt or the lower anchors. This helps prevent the child's head from moving forward. refer to your vehicle's owner manual and instructions.

Booster Seats

孩子应该呆在一个完整的利用,直到他们have out grown of it. All harnesses fit children up to 40 pounds and most are now increasing that to 65 pounds or higher. The longer your child is in a full harness the safer they are. When children outgrow their car seat they should ride in a belt-positioning booster seat in the back seat. The booster seat uses the adult lap and shoulder belt and should be used until the belt fits the child properly or until they are at least 4 feet 9 inches tall.

  • 皮带定位助推器座椅只能与孩子的膝盖和肩带一起使用。肩带应紧贴孩子的胸部,在锁骨上交叉。圈带应低于孩子的上大腿。
  • Booster Seats are used for that "in-between" stage of being too big for a baby-seat and not quite big enough for the adult seat belt.
  • 应使用助推器座椅,直到孩子的身高约4'9“高或通过五步测试(下)为止。



  • Sitting tall with entire back touching seat?
  • Knees bend comfortably at edge of seat?
  • Belt across the shoulder between arm/neck?
  • Lap belt touching tops of legs?
  • 孩子可以在整个旅行中坐下吗?

Seat belts

If all the answers to the five-step test (above) are “yes” then the child can sit in both lap and shoulder belts. The shoulder belt should be snug against the child's chest, crossing at the collarbone. The lap belt should lay low across the child's upper thighs. Never allow the child to put the shoulder belt behind his back or under his arm. Remember, kids are not allowed in the front seat until they are 13, as airbags can cause death or serious injuries.


我可以为孩子买的最安全的座位是什么?最安全的儿童安全座椅是适合的your child, that is comfortable, that fits in your car, and the seat that you will use correctly every time the child is in it.

我的宝宝应该向后骑多久?美国儿科学会建议儿童应在汽车座椅上向后骑直到2岁或座椅的上限(30至35磅)。所有可转换座椅和一些婴儿座椅都将至少30磅;许多敞篷车更高。当朝后车辆座椅吸收时,坠机力 - 一旦您将孩子扭转后,就会吸收撞车事故。孩子不能在1年和20磅之前扭转。

My child safety seat came with a "tether" strap. Do I need to use it?大多数面向具有内部安全带并在1999年9月1日之后生产的安全座椅的前向安全座椅都将具有束缚。系绳带使您的孩子在车祸中增加了头部保护。伤害预防倡导所有前锋面对儿童的人,使用束缚的座椅。


闩锁(儿童较低的锚和系绳)比使用安全带安装安全吗?Not necessarily. A car seat PROPERLY installed with a seat belt should be as safe as one properly installed with LATCH. Use the system that works best for you and your car seat. There are many vehicles that do not allow you to install your car seat in the back middle seat using LATCH (read owner’s manual to vehicle). However, the seat belt can be used in this seating position to install the child restraint.

什么是助推器座椅?The booster seat is a new concept for parents. When a parent goes to the restaurant and asks for the "booster" it is to "boost" the child so they can sit at an adult table. This is the same concept for the car. Since the seat belt design in a car is for adults, the booster seat "boosts" the child up so they fit the seat belt correctly.

Why should I use a booster?Medically, there is more known now about what happens in car crashes with children. The seat belt does not fit the child, so often, the shoulder belt goes behind a child's back. This can place the child at risk for head injury. If the lap belt rides up on the stomach, it can place the child at risk for internal and spinal injuries.

When can children ride in the front seat?Not until they are 13. Kids 12 and under need to be in the back seat, regardless of height or weight. Any child who is out of position at the time of the crash can put their head too close to the airbag and can cause death or serious injuries.




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