Better Me


Advertisements for “low testosterone” or “Low T” supplements have taken over our televisions lately, with companies selling products they promise will boost a man’s sex drive, increase muscle tone, and end male menopause, among other things. But is Low T even something men need to be concerned about?

Sathya Jyothinagaram., MD, Director of Inpatient Diabetes & Endocrinology at横幅 - 大学医药糖尿病和内分泌学院and Clinical Professor of Medicine at The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix, explained that, especially for men of a certain age, this common condition needs to be on your radar. “Normal testosterone levels vary throughout life,” explained Dr. Jyothinagaram. “The highest levels are around puberty and young adulthood. There is a gradual decline in levels starting from age 25-30, with a 1-2% decline per year starting around age 30.” One can see an up-to 40 to 50% decline from peak levels by the 5th or 6th decade of life. However, a lower level of Testosterone does not necessarily always warrant treatment.


According tothe Urology Care Foundation, low testosterone (or testosterone deficiency) is when the body isn’t able to make enough testosterone to work normally. Because testosterone is the major androgen, or male sex hormone, it is key not just for the physical changes that happen during puberty, but for bone and muscle function, sex drive, and general mood.

Testosterone is involved in many bodily functions, which means the symptoms of Low T can be nonspecific. Erectile dysfunction is the most common symptom in men, yet many other symptoms can occur, including:

  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Decreased libido
  • 抑郁症或无法集中注意力
  • Decreased muscle mass, strength
  • Frailty, fractures
  • 体重减少
  • Hot flashes
  • Reduced fertility

Are Treatments Available?

A decline in testosterone is a natural part of aging, but several other conditions can also cause testosterone levels to fall. Chronic illnesses like diabetes, HIV/AIDs, and heart failure, infections like mumps, and some autoimmune conditions can all harm testosterone levels. Even some medications like opiates, anabolic steroids, and chemotherapy can cause testosterone to fall. This is why, as Dr. Jyothinagaram explained, “it’s important to determine the cause of the low testosterone and treat the primary cause before considering testosterone supplementation.”


These treatments can have adverse effects, which means it’s uncommon to treat a low testosterone level if that person does not yet have symptoms. “Like any medication, there are always risks involved,” cautioned Dr. Jyothinagaram. “Treatment should always be discussed with and monitored by a physician with expertise and experience in using testosterone therapy.” Some conditions affecting testosterone levels may require a referral to a specialist, such as an Endocrinologist or Urologist.

如果你认为你可能会努力努力睾丸激素,不要等待。vwin.comac德赢官方首页 with a Banner Health endocrinologist to discuss your treatment options and potential next steps.

Endocrinology 男性健康

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