
The Most Important Things to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

We do more than smile and chew with our teeth. From the first time they show up, just我们生活几个月,我们的牙齿成为我们护理程序的焦点。从常规的刷牙和牙线到预定的牙科探访,很明显牙齿是敏感的仪器,甚至可以发出信号当其他问题正在发生。大多数嘴只有28颗牙齿的空间,但是当一切都说完之后,您可能最终会得到约32个。这是一个紧密的挤压。


由于几乎每个人都必须在某个时候处理智齿,因此知道会发生什么会很有帮助。我们与之交谈约翰·吉利斯(John Gillis),DMD,一个口腔和上颌面外科医生横幅 - 大学医学中心口腔和颌面外科诊所在亚利桑那州凤凰城,围绕智慧牙齿的最重要事实。尽管去除智慧的牙齿可能会带来不便,但希望本文使它减轻了痛苦。



  • Pain
  • 感染
  • 囊肿
  • 肿瘤
  • 对邻近牙齿的损害
  • 牙龈疾病
  • 蛀牙
  • 牙套或其他牙科护理的治疗


These signs will likely be mild at first. Dr. Gillis said that patients will usually experience some swelling and irritation of the gums around the emerging wisdom teeth. But even if they’re not painful, your new wisdom teeth bring problems if left alone.

Dr. Gillis warned against waiting. “Many patients believe that as long as they’re not in pain, they don’t need their wisdom teeth extracted, but being pain free does not mean being disease free.”

There just isn’t enough space in most peoples’ mouths for these extra teeth, and that overcrowding can cause damage to the teeth, nerves and bones in your mouth. Getting your wisdom teeth removed may seem bothersome in the moment but leaving them in is far less convenient long-term.





What should I do after they’re removed?

手术后,您需要有人带您回家并保持舒适,直到麻醉完全消失为止。重要的是要休息很多,并做一些以减少肿胀的方法,例如在最初的48小时内保持头部抬高并在可能的情况下使用冰袋。避免干插座, you’ll also want to keep the surgical area clean, shift your diet to liquid and soft foods for a few days and avoid straws and smoking. Your dentist’s or surgeon’s office will give you additional post-op instructions, based on your individual needs.

In any case, know that wisdom teeth removal is among the most common dental procedures out there.


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