
Ghosting Hurts and Technology Is Making It Worse. Here's How to Cope


When enough time goes by you figure it out. You’ve been ghosted, and好痛。另外,您可能感到困惑 - 您不知道出了什么问题。而且您可能也会生气。毕竟,您认为您应该得到解释。

我们问杰里米亚·福克斯(Jerimya Fox)横幅行为健康医院in Scottsdale, to tell us more about ghosting and how technology plays a part in it.

What is ghosting?


重影通常发生在浪漫的停止外遇ps but can happen in other relationships as well. For example, a friend can ghost another friend—disappearing from their life, apparently without reason. Family members can end contact with others without explanation. Job seekers can ghost a prospective employer if they decide they aren’t interested in a position. And people who quit their job may give their notice, then ghost for their final weeks of employment. “Ghosting with jobs is more accessible because of the remote workplace,” Dr. Fox said.

Why do people ghost?

People might ghost for a lot of different psychological reasons but at the core, they fear conflict. “At its heart, ghosting is about wanting to avoid confrontation, avoid difficult conversations and avoid hurting someone’s feelings,” Dr. Fox said.


“Ghosting is more common than most people might think due to the increased use of technology as a tool in our relationships,” Dr. Fox said. “It’s a common reaction to uncomfortable feelings.”



How can you cope with ghosting?

When you’re ghosted, it’s mentally challenging. “Getting no response is especially painful for people. You might feel a wave of different emotions: sadness, anger, loneliness, or confusion,” Dr. Fox said. “You may feel helpless and shunned and you don’t have information that could guide your understanding.” If you’re ghosted by a romantic partner, you may even want to stop dating completely.


When you’re coping with ghosting, you’re also coping with the end of a relationship. So, self-care is crucial:

  • Spend time with supportive family and friends
  • 锻炼
  • 幽思
  • 上课或花时间在爱好上,让您感兴趣





无论您是在浪漫的关系中,朋友还是家人还是在工作场所中,被幽灵都会痛苦和混乱。不知道Ghoster在想什么或什么激励他们的行为也会令人沮丧。但是鬼魂确实是关于戈斯特的,而不是被鬼魂的人。如果你想talk to a behavioral health professional关于您的人际关系,请与Banner Health接触。主頁(欢迎您)


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