Pain Management Before and During Labor

There are many ways Banner Health’s maternity care team can make your delivery more comfortable. Our highly skilled doctors and nurses work with you to create a pain management plan that addresses your wishes, so you have the support and care you need during labor and delivery.

Managing Pain Before Labor


Before you go even into labor, there are things you can do to help you feel better during delivery:

  • Maintain your health: Research suggests being healthy and in good physical condition can help lessen the pain of labor. Throughout your pregnancy, continue to exercise, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water. While physical activity is generally encouraged, be sure your doctor gives you the ok.
  • Get ready: Simply being prepared can reduce your anxiety. Less anxiety equals less pain. Anxiety during labor can cause your pelvic floor and perineal muscles to contract, increasing labor pain. It also can slow labor progression by raising the stress hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol.Find upcoming childbirth classes offered at Banner Health.

大调的疼痛管理ing Labor

Every woman’s birthing experience is unique. That’s why Banner Health offers many options to assist you throughout your labor and delivery. Options may vary by location so talk to your doctor about what kind of pain relief you want to during childbirth. And, remember, you can always change your mind!


  • Aromatherapy:Aromatherapy uses smell to help control emotions. Certain essential oils (plant extracts) such as lavender, chamomile and eucalyptus may help you manage stress and reduce pain during labor. If you’re interested in aromatherapy, talk to your doctor. For aromatherapy to be safe and effective, it’s important to choose high-quality essential oils and understand how to use them correctly.
  • Peanut balls:A peanut ball is a peanut-shaped birthing ball. During labor, the peanut ball is placed between the mother’s legs to help open the pelvic outlet. It’s usually used when lying in bed; however, some women may find it comfortable to sit on, rock back and forth or bounce. Research suggests the use of peanut balls can also speed up labor.
  • Virtual reality (VR):VR放松并分散了劳动母亲的注意力,这刺激了缓解疼痛的内啡肽的释放。VR使用沉浸式耳机将和平环境的图像与舒缓的声音结合在一起。VR可以在精选的横幅健康位置获得。主頁(欢迎您)
  • Soaking tubs:Hydrotherapy is the use of warm water to provide comfort and relaxation. Select Banner Health facilities are equipped with deep soaking tubs for labor. Talk to your doctor during your prenatal visits if you would like to use hydrotherapy.

Medical Pain Relief

  • Nitrous oxide: Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a face mask. During labor, you take a breath of gas just before a contraction to help dull your discomfort. You likely still feel pain, but it won’t bother you as much. You maintain your ability to move around and can stop use at any time. Some women may use it before getting an epidural to help with discomfort.
  • 硬膜外:在分娩过程中,在母亲治疗母亲最安全,最有效的疼痛管理方法之一。在脊柱中注入麻醉剂,从腰部向下麻木。Get more information on epidurals.