
Is Your Daughter Ready for a Training Bra?

多年来,您已经完成了睡眠训练和便盆训练, but suddenly another training day is upon you. No, it’s not baseball season. It’s bra training … or rather, training bra season.

爸爸和妈妈的小女孩不再是你的小女孩,至少是明显的。一路走来的地方青春期和now she has some little lumps under her nipples called ‘breast buds’ poking out from underneath her shirt.


At this point, your blood pressure may be slightly elevated; sweat may or may not be forming. Your life may be flashing before your eyes. Before you go down an anxiety spiral, here are some helpful answers and tips to navigate this normal rite of passage.



“There is no medical or physiological reason to wear a training bra other than the social and psychological reasons,” saidBrenda Kronborg, DO, a pediatrician withBanner Children's - Banner Health Clinic在亚利桑那州梅萨。“训练胸罩几乎是标准文胸,除了装饰,因为它们没有提供任何支持。它们使突出的乳头降低了,但没有采取任何行动来“训练”乳房。


Puberty can start as early as age 8 in girls—sometimes even earlier—and can last well into their teen years. This wide range in ages means girls will have varying stages of breast development. In this case, don’t let their age guide your decision but instead base it on the tell-tale signs, such as breast buds, and conversations you have with your daughter about her desire to start wearing one.

“As soon as the breasts start growing breast buds, small (sometimes very tender) bumps below the nipples, is typically when girls start wearing training bras,” said Dr. Kronborg. “Normally, by the time a girl can fill a B cup is when she’ll eventually require a standard bra.”


Although having a conversation about bras can be a bit awkward (especially if you’re the male caretaker in the family), it’s an important one to have as part of your ongoing conversations about your daughter’s developing body.

When it comes to deciding when she should start, there are a number of factors to consider—some social, some psychological and some that are just personal for you and your child.

  • Does she have breast buds?
  • Is she getting stares by those looking at her developing breasts?
  • 其他朋友穿着它们吗?
  • 她的乳房成长是否变得更加自觉或尴尬?
  • 她是否表现出不适感(其中一些亮片T恤因乳头臭名昭著而臭名昭著)?
  • 她做运动或跳舞,娘家姓的吗d extra support?
  • Is she hunching over to hide her breasts?



“Some girls want to wear them before they really need one,” Dr. Kronborg said. “This could be because they look forward to wearing a bra or because their friends are wearing bras. Some girls feel self-conscious about their breasts and want to wear a bra.”


What if she refuses to wear a training bra?

While some girls may be excited, your daughter might communicate via text with, “(>_<),” which basically translates into, “Mom and dad, stop—just stop!” If you got this similar response to时期性谈话, you shouldn’t be too surprised bythis reaction任何一个。


“Obvi” you don’t want to force your daughter to do anything she isn’t comfortable with—even if she’s been comfortable talking about everything else.


Tips for Buying Their First Training Bra … or Bras

从训练胸罩到底线胸罩,以及两者之间的所有内容,任何衣服或Intimates商店的胸罩部分都可能令人生畏和压倒性。有这么多选择,尺寸,颜色,面料,样式 - 难怪有些男人像瘟疫一样避免了这一部分。


Here are some helpful tips to consider:

  • Get them measured.Many girl’s bra styles don’t have cup sizes, because young girls aren’t fully developed yet. To measure them properly, use a tape measurer and measure around the rib cage, just under their chest. Check out this有用的指南for more tips.
  • 观看填充。大多数开始发展的女孩不需要填充。您希望您的女儿对自己的皮肤感到舒适和自信,这并不意味着任何增加的绒毛。
  • Buy different styles。如果您的女儿参加运动或舞蹈,她可能需要不同的训练胸罩,具体取决于活动。找到几个不同的选择,也许有一些用于学校,另一个是玩。

Your daughter may not visibly be your little girl anymore, but she’s growing into a confident, empowered and wonderful woman thanks, in part, to her incredible parents.

For more helpful parenting advice and helpful tips, check out the主頁(欢迎您)Banner Health博客for articles on anything fromprenatal careto young adulthood and everything in between.

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