ACL Program

More than 200,000 ACL injuries occur in youth athletics every year in the United States. Our ACL Play It Safe program helps patients prevent ACL injuries and improve their performance.

What Is an ACL Injury?

An ACL injury is a tear in one of the major knee ligaments - the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. ACL injuries are common and typically happen while playing sports that involve sudden changes in direction, stops or jumping.

What Is the ACL Play It Safe Program?

The ACL Play It Safe program helps create a foundation for athletic success. It uses standardized equipment and exercises for either before or after your practice routine. Our expert and licensed physical therapy team will work with you to find the best routine to avoid ACL injuries and meet your goals. We largely focus on the following training areas:

  • Movement and balance (proprioceptive)
  • Endurance and performance
  • Strength and conditioning

Who Can Benefit from The ACL Program?

The ACL Play It Safe program is designed for athletes or anyone who wants to prevent an ACL injury or rebuild their strength after an ACL tear.

What to Expect from the ACL Play It Safe Program

Our therapists work with each person to improve movement patterns to avoid ACL injuries. While routines will vary, the ACL Play It Safe program includes:

  • Progressive exercises to help meet your goals
  • Play It Safe kit that includes a CLX band, padded cuffs and a stability trainer
  • Access to the ACL Play It Safe app

Banner’s licensed staff is ready to answer any questions you may have about this program or any other sports or physical therapy programs we offer.

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