TIF Procedure for Acid Reflux Relief

If you're experiencing Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also called acid reflux, we offer the noninvasive TIF (transoral incisionless fundoplication) procedure.

This option, which requires no incisions, works well if you:

  • Regularly experience the symptoms of GERD
  • Prefer not to use pharmaceutical therapies
  • Have concerns about the long-term effects of a lifetime of taking medications

What Is GERD or Acid Reflux?

GERD occurs when food or liquid in the stomach leaks backward into the esophagus and causes irritation and heartburn. It affects more than 30 million people in the United States.

What Can I Expect From TIF Surgery?

Banner Health's gastroenterologysurgeonswill be there for you before, during and after yourendoscopy. General anesthesia is necessary for this procedure. A device is inserted through the mouth and into the esophagus using a video camera as a guide. The device is then used to form and fasten several tissue folds to eliminate acid reflux.

What Are the Advantages of TIF Surgery?

TIF is done without any incisions. Because your gastroenterologist restores gastric function with an endoscope, there’s less discomfort and no scars. This results in a shortened hospital stay and quicker recovery. Often, patients are satisfied with the results of the TIF process.
