Plastics and Craniofacial Surgery

Pediatric plastic and craniofacial surgeries are performed to treat conditions such as cleft lip or palate, birthmarks and congenital deformities. Our team of expert pediatric physicians is focused on delivering the highest level of care while making every visit as comfortable as possible for your child.

What are Pediatric Plastics and Craniofacial Surgeries?

We perform reconstructive surgeries on the soft tissue and bones of the head and face to treat conditions such as facial asymmetry, ear deformities, jaw deformities and scars or burns.

Cleft Lip and Palate

The term “cleft” means split or separation. A cleft lip or palate means the tissues did not form together before the baby was born. This condition can make everyday activities, like eating, more difficult. Luckily, it is very treatable.

Learn more about causes and treatment options for cleft lip and palate.

Pierre Robin Sequence

Pierre Robin Sequence is a rare congenital birth defect affecting the jaw and tongue. This condition is called a sequence because the jaw defect causes a sequence of events. Pierre Robin Sequence typically manifests as an underdeveloped jaw that causes the tongue to be displaced toward the back of the throat, which then causes the airway to collapse.

Learn more about how this defect got its name, how it’s diagnosed and treatment options.


颅缝早闭is a birth defect that occurs when the baby’s skull joins together before the brain finishes growing. This condition can cause issues with brain and skull growth as your baby develops.

Learn more about types of craniosynostosis, diagnosis and treatment options.


在新生儿restr结舌是一种常见的条件icting the motion of the tongue. If left untreated, this condition can lead to feeding and speech issues.

Learn more about tongue-tie and treatment options.

Plastics and Craniofacial Conditions

Some pediatric conditions require reconstructive surgery. You can lean on our specialists before, during and after your child’s surgery to make sure all your questions are answered. Our compassionate surgeons and staff can help with:

  • Birthmarks
  • Burns and burn reconstruction
  • Congenital deformities of the ear, hand and breast
  • Congenital tumors of the head and neck
  • Craniofacial problems, including Treacher Collins syndrome and Apert syndrome
  • Facial bone fractures and trauma
  • Hand trauma
  • Orbital problems
  • Reconstructive procedures and cosmetic surgery, such as otoplasty (cosmetic ear surgery) and rhinoplasty (nose surgery)
  • Vascular anomalies

Plastics and Craniofacial Testing and Diagnosis

Proper diagnosis is the first step in providing your child with the best care. Tests can help our team better understand your child’s condition, including:

  • Ultrasounds during pregnancy
  • Physical examinations
  • CT scans
  • MRI scans
  • Blood tests

Not all conditions can be detected before birth. If needed, a physical exam will be done once your baby is born to detect if any conditions are present.

Plastics and Craniofacial Treatment Options

At Banner Children’s, we are here to create a customized treatment plan for your child. Depending on the condition, treatment options may include:

Occupational and Speech Therapy

Speech therapy can help your child learn to talk or speak without issue. Occupational therapy can help your child learn and perform daily activities. Your pediatrician will discuss therapy options that are best for your child.


Surgery can help treat conditions such as ear or jaw deformities, scars and burns. Your pediatric surgeon will discuss all your options when it comes to surgery. Our team will make sure you’re informed before, during and after surgery, and keep your child comfortable and secure.

Ear Tubes

If your child has constant ear infections or build-up of fluid behind the eardrum, your pediatric surgeon may recommend ear tubes. Ear tubes are surgically placed inside your child’s eardrums to help prevent the build-up of fluid. These tubes are made of plastic or titanium and usually fall out on their own within a year or two.

Helmet Therapy

Helmet therapy may be used when treating conditions related to the skull. Conditions, such ascraniosynostosis, may require helmet therapy to help shape the skull as the child grows. Helmet therapy can be used for children under the age of three with a helmet typically being worn for 3 to 6 months, 23 hours a day.

Our kid-connected experts draw on the best medical knowledge available to care for children. We take time to understand your child’s individual needs and work together to provide the best treatment possible.
