
大脑健康与心理健康是不同的。表示“状态”al health relates to your psychological wellness and how you feel about your life. Brain health, on the other hand, refers to your ability to think clearly, learn and remember, as well as your motor control, which is your ability to control your body movements. Some level of cognitive decline, forgetfulness and decrease in motor functions is common as you get older and not necessarily an immediate cause for concern. There are measures you can take to exercise your brain and help prevent further decline. And there are also warning signs for when something more serious might be happening.



  • 学习新技能。占用新的兴趣或爱好,如绗缝或摄影,有助于您在大脑结构中开发新的途径。
  • 玩游戏。谜题,填字游戏,数独和国际象棋从事短期内存,并帮助保持您的召回能力。
  • Finding meaningful activities. Doing things like volunteering, adopting or fostering a pet or finding a passion project help you attach meaning to your daily life, which helps your brain stay engaged and you to feel motivated.
  • 保持活跃。已显示定期锻炼来降低认知下降的风险和阿尔茨海默氏症的发作。
  • 读。无论您是阅读书籍或杂志,小说或非小说,音频还是印刷,阅读都可以让您在整个生活中保持好奇和学习。

Taking care of your physical and emotional help can also support your cognitive health. Get information and resources on保持活跃andmaintaining your psychological well-being






  • 难以执行熟悉的任务,如开车到杂货店,组织待办事项列表或取出垃圾。需要帮助更加复杂或更加罕见的任务,就像工作电视遥控器一样正常而且没有关于。
  • 与时间和地点的混淆,如哪个月是或他们如何在某个地方。忘记了本周的哪一天,通常不是关注的原因。
  • 深度感知和空间处理难以由白内障引起的,这通常会影响平衡,读取和驾驶等物品。
  • 讲话的新问题超越了忘记了一个特定的词。突然在谈话中间停下来或一遍又一遍地重复同样的事情是警告标志。
  • 不照顾像个人卫生和家政一样的常规活动。
  • 退出曾经是快乐的源泉的社会活动。
  • 情绪或人格的变化,通常是由阿尔茨海默氏症的恐惧和焦虑引起的。

Early detection matters. Even though there is not yet a cure for Alzheimer’s, there are many treatments that can help you live longer and happier.
