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凤凰城(2021年12月3日) - 亚利桑那州七家机构的研究人员是一项享有声望的赠款的领导者,预计将在美国国家卫生研究院(NIA)的一部分(NIH)的一部分,五年内总计1,570万美元。为了持续支持亚利桑那州阿尔茨海默氏病研究中心(ADRC)

ADRC是国会指定的NIH卓越中心。他们在国家计划解决阿尔茨海默氏病, the advancement of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias research and care, and the effort to find effective ways to treat and prevent these devastating diseases as soon as possible.


  • 介绍和支持从不同背景的才华横溢的研究人员和临床医生发展到阿尔茨海默氏病研究和护理。
  • Providing education programs and outreach services for people affected by the disease including their family caregivers, programs to raise awareness about research opportunities for people with and without the disease and foster the inclusion of individuals from Arizona’s Hispanic/Latino, Native American, and other underrepresented communities.
  • 从每年评估的研究参与者中生成并提供广泛共享的数据和生物样本资源,并支持该州内部和世界各地的数百名研究人员。

“我们对参与的研究人员和机构,国家和NIH不太感谢,有机会对阿尔茨海默氏病研究和护理产生深远的影响。”埃里克·雷曼(Eric M. Reiman),医学博士NIA支持的亚利桑那ADRC董事兼执行董事旗帜阿尔茨海默氏症研究所。“除了我们的其他目标外,我们还希望成为开发有前途的血液检查的首选资源,在未来五年内找到有效的阿尔茨海默氏症的预防疗法,并利用我们的ADRC资源来支持这些努力。”

Since becoming the first multi-institutional research program to receive an ADRC grant in 2001, Arizona has become the most extensive statewide collaboration in Alzheimer’s research in the country. The Arizona ADRC has made ground-breaking contributions in the early detection diagnosis, study, and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, studies of the aging mind and brain, and the roles of brain imaging and emerging blood-based biomarkers in these endeavors.

The new grant will help establish the role of promising blood tests in Alzheimer’s research, clinical trials, and clinical care, and will support Arizona’s efforts to help find effective prevention therapies by 2025.

The Arizona ADRC includes researchers from seven organizations: Arizona State University (ASU), Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Banner Sun Health Research Institute, Barrow Neurological Institute, Mayo Clinic Arizona, the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) and the University of Arizona (UArizona). Together, they provide shared resources to support the detection, tracking, diagnosis, study, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, the training of researchers and clinicians from diverse backgrounds, and the inclusion of persons from underrepresented groups through seven core areas. These core areas include:

  • 行政核心由班纳·阿尔茨海默(Banner Alzheimer)研究所的埃里克·雷曼(Eric Reiman)博士和亚利桑那州梅奥诊所的副董事理查德·卡塞利(Richard Caselli)和梅尔兹海默(Banner Alzheimer)研究所的杰西卡·兰巴姆(Jessica Langbaum)博士领导,并由Banner Alzheimer Institute的Andrea Schmidt提供了其他领导。该核心包括由Uarizona的Carol Barnes博士领导的发展项目计划。它提供了全州ADRC的领导力,支持和组织结构。
  • 临床核心由Caselli博士领导,由Banner Sun Health Research Institute的Alireza Atri博士共同领导。它包括亚利桑那州的五个地点,每年约有550名研究参与者(有或没有疾病),其中许多人死后捐赠了大脑。
  • 生物标志物核心由Uarizona的Gene Alexander博士领导,由Drs的共同领导。Banner Sun Health Research Institute的Atri和Thomas Beach;来自阿尔茨海默氏症研究所的Yi Su博士;以及希望之城的分支机构Tgen的Matthew Huentelman博士。它监督采集和分析淀粉样蛋白和tau PET扫描,MRI,脑脊液(CSF),血液样本和DNA,为该领域提供了共享的生物标本资源,并将为新兴诊断验证提供首选资源血液检查。
  • 数据管理和统计核心led by Dr. Kewei Chen and co-led by Don Saner, both from Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, and includes multi-institutional data management and statistical teams to provide a shared resource of privacy protected data for the field, develop powerful data analysis tools, and provide data analysis services, mentorship and support for numerous researchers inside and outside the state.
  • 神经病理学核心阳光健康研究所是由Drs. Beach and Geidy Serrano. It oversees a rapid brain and body donation program, provides comprehensive neuropathological assessments, and provides a resource of high-quality brain tissue to hundreds of researchers around the world each year.
  • 外展,招聘和参与(矿石)由ASU埃德森护理与健康创新学院和Langbaum博士的David Coon博士领导的核心。它为有或没有疾病的人,他们的家庭和专业护理人员,包括亚利桑那州迅速发展的西班牙裔/拉丁裔社区,美洲原住民社区以及其他代表性不足的群体,为患有和没有疾病的人,包括有或没有疾病的人以及其他人数不足的人提供了广泛的教育,外展和参与计划。它与临床核心紧密合作,以支持他们将其纳入研究,以共同推动对抗阿尔茨海默氏病的斗争。
  • 研究教育部分(REC)由Uarizona的Roberta Brinton博士和ASU的Heather Bimonte-Nelson博士领导。它为研究人员和专业护理人员(包括来自不同背景和代表性不足的团体的研究人员和专业护理人员)提供教育和创新的合作培训机会,以帮助建立下一代研究人员。

亚利桑那ADRC由NIH Grant P30AG072980资助。


亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)由美国新闻与世界报道(Usick and World Report)在全美排名第一的“最具创新性学校”已有7年的连续报告,为一所新的美国大学奠定了模型。ASU是一家全面的公共研究机构,不是由谁排除在内,而是由谁包括在内,以及他们如何成功;推进研究和发现公共价值;并承担对其所服务社区的经济,社会,文化和整体健康的基本责任。ASU根据学习是每个学生的个人和原始旅程的原则;他们在经验上蓬勃发展,并且发现过程不能受到传统学科的约束。通过创新和对可访问性的承诺,ASU在为合格的学生扩大了机会,吸引了来自所有50个州和130多个国家的一些最高能力的学生,从而吸引了研究人员。

Since its inception in 2006, Banner Alzheimer’s Institute (BAI) has sought to find effective Alzheimer’s disease prevention therapies without losing another generation, establish a new model of dementia care for patients and family caregivers, and forge new models of collaboration in biomedical research. It has made groundbreaking contributions to the unusually early detection, tracking, diagnosis and study of Alzheimer’s, and aims to find an effective prevention therapy by 2025. It includes the pioneering Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative (API), an extensive profile of research studies and clinical trials, comprehensive clinical, family and community service programs, a leading brain imaging research program, and strategic partnerships with numerous public and private research organizations around the world.

Since 1986, Banner Sun Health Research Institute, part of nonprofit Banner Health, has been a leader nationally and internationally in the effort to find answers to disorders of aging including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The institute’s Cleo Roberts Center for Clinical Research takes laboratory discoveries to clinical trials that foster hope for new treatments. Banner Health is Arizona’s leading health care provider and largest private employer. For more information, visitbannershri.comor visit us onFacebook


关于Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic是一个非营利组织,致力于从事临床实践,教育和研究方面的创新,并为需要康复的每个人提供同情,专业知识和答案。请访问Mayo Clinic News网络以获取其他Mayo诊所新闻和Mayo诊所事实,以获取有关Mayo的更多信息。

关于TGen, an affiliate of City of Hope
转化基因组学研究所(TGEN)是位于亚利桑那州凤凰城的非营利组织,致力于通过改变生活的结果进行开创性研究。TGEN隶属于希望之城,这是一个世界知名的独立研究与治疗中心,用于癌症,糖尿病和其他威胁生命的疾病。这种精确的医学隶属关系使两家机构都能在研究和患者护理中相互补充,希望之城为推进TGEN的科学发现提供了重要的临床环境。TGEN专注于通过最先进的翻译研究(快速移动研究的过程)来帮助神经系统疾病,癌症,糖尿病和传染病患者。TGEN医师和科学家致力于揭示成人和儿童常见和复杂稀有疾病的遗传成分。TGEN与全球科学和医疗社区的合作者合作,做出了重大贡献,可以帮助我们的患者通过转化过程的效率和有效性。有关更多信息,请访问。关注TgenFacebook,LinkedInTwitter @tgen

The University of Arizona, a land-grant university with two independently accredited medical schools, is one of the nation's top 50 public universities, according to U.S. News & World Report. Established in 1885, the university is widely recognized as a student-centric university and has been designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution by the U.S. Department of Education. The university ranked in the top 20 in 2019 in research expenditures among all public universities, according to the National Science Foundation, and is a leading Research 1 institution with $734 million in annual research expenditures. The university advances the frontiers of interdisciplinary scholarship and entrepreneurial partnerships as a member of the Association of American Universities, the 66 leading public and private research universities in the U.S. It benefits the state with an estimated economic impact of $4.1 billion annually. For the latest on the University of Arizona response to the novel coronavirus, visit the university'sCOVID-19网页

阿尔茨海默氏症 旗帜阿尔茨海默氏症研究所 研究

