

我们都知道吃正确的事情可以帮助燃料our bodies—ensuring we’re working at our most optimal levels—but for some who are experiencing tummy issues, rashes or otherwise are feeling down in the dumps, eliminating some things from their plates may help.

“An elimination diet is one way to determine if foods are causing symptoms that you feel may be related to your food consumption,” saidWilliam Culver,MD,成人和儿科过敏医生和免疫医生主頁(欢迎您)横幅健康诊所in Loveland, CO. “The symptoms can be related to afood allergy,非过敏性条件,如乳糜泻或乳糖不耐症,或者专门与您相关。“



An elimination diet is a great way to identify foods you’re allergic or sensitive to, but it’s not a “quick fix” or a long-term solution for weight loss. “While this is a restricted diet during the process, it’s not the end point,” Dr. Culver said.


“The benefit of an elimination diet is to determine if foods reliably and consistently do or don’t trigger suspected symptoms,” Dr. Culver said. “Food should be in one of three lists: tolerated foods, foods creating problems and foods uncertain of creating problems. The goal is to determine which list various foods will appear on.”

Through this diet, you can identify a broad list of foods that your body thrives on. As a result, you may find you feel less bloated or foggy-headed, experience less joint pain and may even have more energy.

2. There are different types of elimination diets

在消除饮食之后,除了您删除的某些食物之外,您的饮食的所有方面都很灵活。一些消除饮食靶向常见过敏原的特异性食物,例如牛奶,鸡蛋,玉米,大豆,麸质花生and seafood. While others may also include alcohol, artificial colorings and flavorings,processed sugars加工肉类。



当你的身体看到某些食物作为入侵者时,他们就会发生食物过敏,他们努力使他们打开,就像我们的身体对抗感染一样。食物过敏不仅可以让你感到生病,他们可能会威胁到危及生命,导致事物anaphylaxis那swelling of the face or tongue, respiratory difficulties, wheezing and severe GI symptoms.

On the other hand, food intolerances (or sensitivities) occur when the body reacts poorly to specific foods or ingredients. A food intolerance means a specific food irritates your digestive system or triggers undesirable symptoms. Those symptoms can include nausea, vomiting chronic or recurrent diarrhea, bloating, gas, cramps, irritability and headaches.


“Foods that create nonallergic type symptoms may change over time or may be dependent upon volume, frequency of consumption or other factors,” Dr. Culver said. “Bottom line, foods that create symptoms should be avoided; foods that don’t cause symptoms can be consumed; and slow introduction of new foods to establish a cause-and-effect relationship is encouraged.”


5. Seek out a trained expert

An elimination diet can be an effective (and even life-changing) method to discover the root cause of your health problems, but it’s a big commitment that may be hard for some. It can often be done on your own, but some experts suggest consulting with adoctoror注册营养师在某些情况下在过敏和消除饮食中经历过。

一些症状,如持续的腹泻,严重过敏反应或偏头痛那can be a sign of something more serious or unrelated to your diet. Your doctor can run all appropriate tests to get to the bottom of what’s going on. And a dietitian can help you find substitutes for eliminating certain foods to ensure you’re getting all the nutrition your body needs. These specialists can also help you navigate the challenges, temptations and pitfalls that can come with the diet.



  • 写日记。跟踪您正在吃的食物以及您遇到的任何明显的症状。与您的医生或营养师分享此信息。
  • Be prepared.在新鲜农产品,有机和生食品上储备。每周拨出几顿饭,并考虑在较大的数量烹饪。知道你的小吃选项,所以你不饿了。
  • 智能购物。如今市场上有丰富的产品,没有许多过敏原,如鸡蛋,大豆,玉米和麸质。这只是一个知道在哪里看的问题。查看当地的健康食品店,整个食物,贸易商乔或豆芽,以寻找可帮助您的饮食的无病原品。
  • 自行节奏。在重新引入食物时,一次服用一件食品。将您的日历标记或设置提醒您将重新调整某些食物,并确保它们间隔几天以占任何反应或症状。
  • Don’t give up.这是一个支持的朋友和家庭或咨询医生或营养师可以提供帮助的地方。这是一个很大的承诺,但它可能导致大奖奖励(即,给你的肠道和整体健康)。

Learn more about how changing your diet can improve your health:

Nutrition 减肥 健康 食物过敏

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