Inspire Me



布兰恩·本杰明(Breann Benjamin)生动地记得去年的那一天,她被告知儿子患有癌症。

Landon, the oldest of her three boys, had recently turned 7 and had been complaining about back and leg pain. Then, random bruises started appearing on his body, which was not super alarming at first for an active, red-headed boy who loves soccer and football. He was also feeling really tired a lot of the time—not what you would expect from a 7-year-old. As the symptoms progressed and more bruises appeared, Breann scheduled an appointment with Landon’s pediatrician.






According to MD Anderson Cancer Center, each year about 3,500 children are diagnosed with leukemia in the United States. Leukemia is a cancer that begins in the bone marrow, where new blood cells are formed.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common type of childhood leukemia. ALL affects lymphoid stems cells which, in healthy bone marrow, are responsible for creating lymphoblasts that develop into different types of healthy white blood cells. These healthy white blood cells are then used to fight infection. When a person has ALL, the lymphoid stem cells make large amounts of diseased lymphoblasts and diseased white blood cells. These cancerous cells crowd out the healthy cells and are not good at fighting infection.

Although ALL is an aggressive form of cancer, it has a five-year survival rate of about 90%, making it the most treatable type of childhood leukemia.

Next Steps

Everything was happening so fast. Looking back on it, Breann explained,


That being said, the family was forced to spring into action, and Breann instantly began thinking about where to go to get her son the best possible care.


Just two days after being admitted to the hospital, Landon began his course of treatment locally at Banner Children’s at Cardon Children’s Medical Center in Mesa, Arizona.


Life became a rollercoaster ride for both Landon and his family as they were forced to adjust to a new way of life. Landon’s care team put him on a 3-and-a-half-year treatment protocol, which included chemotherapy. Because cancer and its treatment can take a huge toll on a person’s body and can weaken the immune system, he had to be pulled from school. Doing normal, everyday things was no longer an option.


图片由Lift Up Up Landon Facebook页面提供

看着您的孩子接受治疗并不容易,但是拥有强大的支持系统和您信任的团队有助于帮助您的家人在整个过程中。Breann解释说,她在Cardon Children's Medical Center的医生,医疗社会工作者和儿童生活专家拥有出色的经验。她说,

他们帮助我,兰登和我的家人ily so much. I’ve had social workers sit with me and just let me cry. I absolutely love everyone there.


学习他们的儿子得了癌症之前,Breann和her husband, Nate, had been talking about finding a charity they could work with to give back. They were looking for something they could do together to teach their growing family about the importance of helping others. Though you may think Landon’s diagnosis would have put those plans on hold, it was the opposite. Shortly after the diagnosis, Landon’s family was inspired to start their own nonprofit.

Right from the start, there were doctors and nutritionists who met with Landon’s family to explain the things they should look out for and do to keep Landon safe. Breann recalled,



Completed Basket

照片由Breann Benjamin提供

Landon’s family’s nonprofit is called Love Like Landon, and it recently became 501(c) certified. Aside from donating baskets of supplies, Love Like Landon has also partnered with local cleaning companies to provide families of pediatric patients with a deep clean of their homes so they are safe and ready for their child’s return from the hospital. In terms of future projects, the nonprofit is working toward funding childhood cancer research as well as providing “chemo buddies” to kids going through treatment. The idea for “chemo buddies” is that a volunteer would come entertain and play with children going through chemotherapy to give kids something to look forward to on their treatment days and give parents a much-needed break.



Today, Landon is 8 years old and is about a year into his 3-and-a-half-year treatment protocol. While there have been a few bumps along the way, he has been responding well to treatment and is currently in remission. Landon recently started third grade in August--quite the milestone after having to miss almost all his second-grade year due to treatment. He has two younger brothers, 2-year-old Asher and 1-year-old Dallas, and is very excited to welcome his first little sister this December.


Landon and his family are very optimistic about the future and look forward to continuing to help other families through Love Like Landon.


癌症 Children's Health Patient Stories

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