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Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Facts About RSV

如果您是小孩的父母,那么您可能会知道RSV - 这种病毒会导致年幼的孩子很多呼吸道问题。还不是父母吗?您最好让自己熟悉它。在某个时候,您的孩子可能会得到RSV。

泰莎·托瓦多(Tessa Tovado),做pediatricianwho sees patients at theBanner Health Clinicin Fallon, NV, provides some useful details about RSV to help parents and parents to be.

What is RSV and how do you get it?


“RSV infection is common in children older than two years,” said Tovado. “It usually causes symptoms similar to those of the common cold or mild wheezing.”

Dr. Tovado explained the virus spreads through respiratory droplets. So, when an infected person coughs or sneezes into the air or their hands, the virus is carried in the droplets and can survive on surfaces for several hours.

What are RSV’s symptoms?

When your little one gets bronchiolitis from RSV, there are some sure-fire warning signs. “Bronchiolitis usually begins like a regular cold and starts off with a stuffy or runny nose, mild cough, a temperature higher than 100.4ºF and decreased appetite,” Dr. Tovado noted.

As bronchiolitis progresses, other symptoms can show up, including:

  • Breathing fast or having trouble breathing. In infants, the first sign can be a pause in breathing that lasts longer than 15 or 20 seconds.
  • Wheezing or a whistling sound when breathing (which usually lasts about 7 days)
  • A severe cough (which can last for 14 days or longer)
  • Trouble eating and drinking (because of the other symptoms)

How do you treat RSV?

治疗RSV关注的症状,根据Dr. Tovado. Parents may choose to give their child fever reducers, such as acetaminophen, and may want to use saline nasal drops with bulb suctioning for infants to help with congestion. Dr. Tovado pointed out that cough medicines, decongestants and sedatives are not recommended.

“Coughing is one way for the body to clear the lungs, and normally does not need to be treated,” said Dr. Tovado. “As the lungs heal, the coughing caused by the virus resolves.”

You’ll need to keep an eye on your child to make sure symptoms – such as difficulty breathing, decreased appetite and decreased urine output – do not get worse. In about 3 percent of bronchiolitis cases, the child will require monitoring and treatment in a hospital.

It’s also important to not allow smoking in the home or around the child because it can worsen a child's cough. You may also find that keeping the child’s head elevated can make it a little easier for her to breathe.


Bronchiolitis usually begins clearing up in 5 to 7 days, peaking around day 3. In some cases, though, wheezing may stick around for a week or longer, and it may take as long as 4 to 6 weeks for the child to return to his or her normal self, according to Dr. Tovado.


How can you avoid picking up RSV?

As is the case with so many other illnesses, good hand washing hygiene is the most effective way to prevent the spread of RSV. This is especially important prior to handling infants. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and warm water. You can also use hand sanitizers.

Also, remember to cough or sneeze into your elbow rather than your hand. This helps prevent spreading the virus to other surfaces.


An ounce of precaution goes a long way.

儿童健康 Infectious Disease

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