
Pandemic Fatigue: How to Manage COVID-19 Burnout


Every morning when you turn on the news or scroll social media, there’s more uncertainty and disheartening news. Then add in all the new rules you have to add to your daily routine, like掩蔽在公共场所社交隔离。At first the大流行病was a good excuse to wear your pjs all day while you worked from home, but even that has lost its fun—you actually kind of miss clothes that zip or button.

经过第200天 - 无论如何,您可能会感到烧焦,疲惫,或只是平淡的自然,在这个“新的正常”中。如果您感受到了任何一种,您可能会遭受大流行疲劳。


In March, many of us felt the sense of urgency related to the virus and did our part to stay home and slow the spread. Fast forward to present, and that sense of urgency may have waned a little.

由于Covid-19对我们的生命的影响 - 从分区失去生病的恐惧,因此流亡的疲劳是一种非常真实的疲惫感。所有这些都在我们中的许多人都感受到的感觉以及我们如何成为结果。

“Some of what we know from previous quarantines and research is that there are things that predict who will do worse and who will do better during one,” said Gagandeep Singh, MD, a psychiatrist at横幅行为健康医院在斯科茨代尔,AZ。“我们看到一些人说在新闻中有这么多,他们开始忽略它。其他是如此紧张的人,他们抢购并获得愤怒。和其他人焦虑和沮丧。这些感受可能会导致我们开始弯曲规则和淡化展现的风险。“


Now that it’s sinking in that COVID-19 may be here longer than we thought, you may find it really hard to adapt and get out of the funk you are in. The trouble is, how do you still take the pandemic seriously when you can’t even cope appropriately?

“I’m meeting with patients and hearing that they are much more stressed out,” Dr. Singh said. “The added problem is that they can’t use their normal coping mechanisms. Things like connecting with others, exercise and entertainment aren’t readily available these days.”

The thing is, we are animals with biological needs and we need to照顾好自己emotionally, physically and mentally. Dr. Singh shared some tips to help build resiliency and feel more in control of your life.


While it seems things might never get better, don’t brush those feelings under the rug.

“It’s important to recognize that things might suck right now and that you wish you knew what would happen six months from now, but you don’t—no one does,” Dr. Singh said. “Call that out, acknowledge it and move to the next phase of what you can do right now to make things better.”

Reframe Your Thinking



Use Humor

While the pandemic is no laughing matter, go ahead and laugh—if you can.

“When we laugh, we release endorphins and help reduce stress hormones like cortisol, which can help减少恐惧和焦虑那” Dr. Singh said. “A good laugh can help lighten the mood and help you feel better overall.”

如果您开始感受到Covid-19的重量,则在Netflix或Amazon Comedy上流行,请订阅有趣的YouTube频道或与朋友连接或在Zoom上连接一个,分享有趣的“记住”故事。


被家人和朋友删除,特别是当你独自生活时,可能会压力。如果你不能身体存在,那并不意味着你必须是socially isolated。There are many ways to still feel socially connected.


  • Set up regular Zoom/Facetime calls with friends and family
  • 与他人一起在户外进行社交距离
  • 安排Netflix派对并与朋友一起观看电影
  • 变老,写一封信
  • 继续与朋友一起徒步旅行或散步


当你被家里的工作中裹在一起时,从家里学校教育并管理家庭时,你可能会忘记照顾好自己。确保继续吃得健康经常锻炼(有很多在线课程),得到enough sleepand limit your社交媒体摄入量。做这些事情可以提升你的灵魂,提升你的能量水平,并帮助你更好地照顾家里的亲人。

Find Gratitude in Challenges

有你的谈话和思想最近进化为消极情绪吗?这些天可能似乎难以停止“闻到玫瑰”。如果感谢不是自然地为您而言 - 特别是现在 - 你并不孤单。

Gratitude is something that with a little practice can become a regular habit. It can help remind you how special, precious and fortunate we are and even help you更好地随着这些不确定时间的压力。


试着写下每个d发生了三件事ay that went well, made you feel good or gave you a sense of achievement. It can be as simple as sitting down with your family to watch a movie. At first it may be difficult when you feel like things are so dire, but with continual practice, things you are grateful for will become clearer and ever-present.

[退房 ”一种感恩的态度:如何促进积极的前景” for tips]


Are you使用药物或酒精应对?你不睡觉或吃得好吗?如果大流行疲劳正在妨碍你对自己和他人的正确照顾,请医生在这里为你,即使在大流行中。联系专家横幅行为健康and get help today via a telehealth appointment or in person.


行为健康 新冠肺炎 焦虑

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