Better Me


If you’ve had a心脏病发作,您可能会觉得自己的生活已经结束。但是,心脏病发作也可以激励您改变自己一直推迟的生活方式。如果您专注于身体健康和心理健康,并且服用所需的药物,那么在心脏病发作后,您可以找到比以前更好的生活。

“Many people think that having a heart attack is going to lead to a big limitation or bad change in their lives,” said I-Hui “Ann” Chiang, MD, a cardiologist at横幅 - 大学医学心脏研究所。“在心脏病发作后的大多数情况下,人们实际上做得很好,之后过着更充实的生活。”

In fact, if the blockage that caused your heart attack is cleared with stents or surgery, you might feel better and have more energy than you did before your heart attack.

It’s always important to talk to your doctor before you make any lifestyle changes, and that’s especially true if you’ve had a heart attack. Once your doctor has given you the go-ahead, here are some changes that can improve your post-heart-attack life.

1. Get walking

If you’re not exercising, slowly work up to 30 to 45 minutes of exercise four to five times a week. “It doesn’t have to be extensive or difficult exercise.步行is fine,” Dr. Chiang said. “And it might take weeks or months to work up to this level.”


Your doctor can help you evaluate the bestsmoking cessation strategiesso you can find one that works for you. Even if you’ve tried toquit smoking过去,再试一次。您的心脏病发作可能会帮助您找到坚持下去的动力。

3. Make healthy changes to your diet

You want a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet centered around vegetables, with moderate amounts of whole grains and a little bit of lean protein. Studies have found that theMediterranean dietand theDASH dietcan improve heart health.

4. Evaluate your salt intake

If you havehigh blood pressure或者congestive heart failure, you may want to limit your salt. Your cardiologist can help you decide多少盐你应该吃饭。


Men should stay below one to two drinks per day and women should keep it under one drink per day.

6. Care for your mental health

There are various steps you can take to改善您的心理健康心脏病发作。

“找到降低压力水平的方法 - 尝试冥想,瑜伽,Tai Chi, relaxation breathing techniques, journaling or anything that you enjoy doing such as reading or listening to music every day,” Dr. Chiang said.

You’ll also want to lean on—or build—a supportive network of friends and family you can count on.

Getting some physical activity every day can boost your mental health, and spending time outdoors can help too. Just try to avoid extreme outdoor temperatures.


7. Take the medication you need

After a heart attack, your cardiologist might prescribe:

  • 诸如血液稀释剂aspirin,氯吡格雷(plavix),ticagrelor(brillinta)或prasugrel(effient)。这些药物通常是在心脏病发作后,尤其是在放置支架后开处方的。它们有助于保持新的支架开放,同时您的身体在周围愈合。
  • 降低胆固醇的药物,例如他汀类药物。Statins help protect against future heart attacks. “Even with normal cholesterol levels, if statins are prescribed it’s important to take them after a heart attack for their protective effects,” Dr. Chiang said.
  • Blood pressure medications. Even if you don’t have high blood pressure, your doctor might prescribe these medications after your heart attack since they can protect your heart.

8. Consider cardiac rehab

Cardiac rehabgives you a safe, supervised way to exercise. Physical therapists, nurses, physicians and assistants can educate you on how to exercise as you recover and monitor you to make sure you stay safe. It can be a good way to start exercising or to ramp up your exercise routine. “A lot of people feel anxious exercising after a heart attack,” Dr. Chiang said. “Cardiac rehab can alleviate some of that anxiety.”

The bottom line

Having a heart attack doesn’t mean your life is going downhill. “Heart disease can be managed very well with a combination of medications and lifestyle changes,” Dr. Chiang said. After a heart attack, you can lead a full and active life.

If you’re concerned about your heart health, talk to your doctor or a cardiologist. Tovwin.comac德赢官方首页 , visit


Heart Health Wellness

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