


Leon Festinger,美国社会心理学家

Parenting can be hard, especially with so many differing opinions on everything from breastfeeding to what age it's safe for your child to play football, if at all. When commiserating with friends and sharing advice, the topic of接种疫苗can be an especially sensitive one—and often avoided.


Let’s face it, some people have a complicated relationship with science. From debates over global warming and evolution to whether the moon landing was real or not—some still fail to trust facts, figures and scientific research.

“这可能部分归因于一种称为文化认知的现象,”有执照的专业顾问,行为健康医生杰里米亚·福克斯(Jerimya Fox)说横幅Behavioral Health Hospital。“这发生在我们认为与个人经验和团体承诺相关的风险和相关事实时,就会发生这种情况。我们在政治领域中最常提到这一点,因为将我们的政治隶属关系描述为共和党人或民主党人。”


The World Health Organization (WHO), 疾病预防与控制中心 (疾病预防控制中心) and the majority of the world’s health care community agree that immunizations are safe, effective and essential for public health—大大减少疾病,残疾和死亡。

The first vaccine discovered was the smallpox vaccine. Before the vaccine, smallpox killed300 million peoplein the 20th century. After the vaccine, the disease was erased. In 2000, the WHO declared the麻疹消除了在美国,但几年后,我们看到了近30年来最多的案件。

The reason for the resurgence?More parents are opting to not vaccinate.

“免疫不足与疫苗预防疾病的风险升高有关。”Ruben Espinoza, MD, a pediatrician and physician lead at横幅Health Clinicin Mesa, AZ. “Beyond just the individual risk, nonmedical immunization exemptions or when people opt to not vaccinate for personal reasons, have been associated with an increased community risk of measles and pertussis outbreaks. This type of exemption has increased over the last decade, and that is the reason for all of the outbreaks in the last 5 to 10 years.”

Despite sharing the importance aboutherd immunity并一次又一次地证明疫苗don’t cause autism或包含有害化学物质或“毒药”,一小部分人(包括您的朋友)不同意。这些担忧导致免疫接种量下降,并增加了可预防疫苗的疾病,例如麻疹。

Espinoza博士说:“疫苗成分对普通大众来说听起来很恐怖,尤其是当它们知之甚少时。”“这引起了一些关于食材安全性的可理解(尽管毫无根据)。例如,formaldehyde and aluminum, which serve to stabilize the vaccine or enhance the immune response, are found naturally in our bodies, in our food or environment. The dosage given is miniscule—much less than what is found naturally.”


Talking about vaccinations can be really difficult as it touches on deep-rooted belief systems and values. If the WHO, CDC and the majority of health care professionals haven’t persuaded your friend that vaccines are safe and crucial to health—do you really think you could be that one person to change their minds?

If you find yourself on the verge of a very uncomfortable situation with a vaccine-hesitant friend, do you jump in feet first or leave the elephant quietly sitting in the room (socially distanced, of course)? If you think your friend may be open to discussion, there are a few ways to delicately navigate this topic without losing your friend in the process.

Five Ways to Navigate Vaccine Conversations with a Friend

1. Listen and Seek Understanding

Listening is a crucial skill for young children to learn. It’s one of the building blocks of language and communication, yet it is a skill that many adults still have a difficult time grasping.



2. Stay Calm

Paying attention to your tone, attitude and reactions can help make it easier for you to seek understanding. If you allow your temper to flare, you inevitably unload your feelings on that person.

我们经常自然地反映或不知不觉地模仿我们正在与之交谈的人的行为和手势。如果他们被加热,在您不知不觉中,您就会加热,现在您俩都在大喊大叫。只有您才能控制内部发生的事情 - 打击即将消失的战斗或飞行铃。


3. Avoid Shaming

As a fellow parent, you should know that shaming rarely is successful with children, so why would it be different for adults?



“If you are truly arguing with someone with a differing opinion, you are likely arguing with someone you care about,” Dr. Fox said. “Shaming is not a behavior you want to do with someone you care about.”

4. Share Information, And Let Them Decide

使对话Dive Bomb South的一种确定方式是试图用事实“赢得”对话。疫苗接种可能是一个激烈的话题,没有人想被告知他们的信念或决定,育儿或其他方式是错误的。


“If you Google something, you are going to find a lot of info—some factual, some not and some seemingly factual,” Dr. Fox said. “Most people want to find the information themselves and don’t want it shoved in front of them.”


5. Be Patient and Kind

我们知道安全带挽救生命 - 不仅适用于那些穿着它们的人,而且对于汽车中的乘客而言,但有些人仍然不穿。我们知道吸烟对我们不利,这对那些获得第二手的人来说是不利的 - 但仍然很多人仍然这样做。



Immunization for HPV Especially Important for Young Children


Behavioral Health 儿童健康 关系 Infectious Disease COVID-19

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