
One Fentanyl-Laced Pill Can Kill You. Here’s How to Protect Yourself

Fentanyl is a drug that has the same effects as morphine or heroin, but it’s significantly more powerful than these drugs. That means a tiny dose can have a dangerous effect.

Bryan Kuhn, PharmD, a pharmacist and poison education specialist at横幅- University Medical Center Phoenix,将其与使用面粉制作饼干的面包师进行比较。假设可以使用面粉替代品,您可以用一磅的面粉制作一盎司的面粉替代品的饼干。因此,使用替代面粉更容易。

“That’s what we see withfentanyl,” Dr. Kuhn said. “The drug cartels understand it takes a pound of heroin to make 1,000 tablets. They only need an ounce of fentanyl to make 1,000 tablets, and it’s cost-beneficial for them to do it.” It’s relatively easy to get fentanyl or the components to make it, and it’s easy to transport.

Fentanyl is added to or used in place of various illegal and illicit drugs, including street versions ofoxycodone(Oxycontin). These pills are typically blue and are labeled M30, which is the physical imprint on the prescription version of the drug.

The problem is that fentanyl is so strong that the amount can vary from tablet to tablet when drug cartels are making it. “With five micrograms, you could be fine, but with 500, you could be dead. Micrograms are a tenth of a milligram. It’s not that hard to have that sort of inconsistency,” Dr. Kuhn said. And there’s no good way to measure how much fentanyl is in a tablet.

If you’re buying street drugs, whatever you call them, you’re probably getting fentanyl. “When we do our drug screens, nine times out of 10, it’s fentanyl and not any other opiate,” Dr. Kuhn said.

How can you protect yourself?

Steer clear of illicit drugs and do not buy any pills online, unless you have a prescription and are using a reputable pharmacy. Assume any “prescription” pill you buy outside of normal channels is fake, and very possibly deadly.

However, for many people who use drugs, they cannot simply choose to stop.

So, Dr. Kuhn said the best thing to do is to have the nasal spray纳洛酮(Narcan) on hand to counteract an overdose. “There are other programs if you want to detox from drugs, but the intervention that is known to save lives is naloxone. That is the number one thing you can do to protect yourself in the event of an overdose. You want to have it, and you want those around you to have it.”

Naloxone is available at pharmacies without a prescription. “Most insurances cover it, and AHCCCS [Arizona’s Medicaid agency] covers it 100%,” Dr. Kuhn said. “The earlier you administer it, the safer you are and the less likely you’ll have permanent neurological damage or death,” Dr. Kuhn said.

如果您认为自己需要管理纳洛酮,请先评估该人的用药过量的迹象 - 如果可以的话,请呼唤他们的名字,摇晃肩膀,并注意诸如呼吸慢的迹象或眼睛中的学生。如果它们显示过量的迹象,请将其滚到背部并进行鼻喷雾剂。您也可以致电888-688-4222以进行纳洛酮的指导,尽管库恩博士说,如何使用它的包裹说明非常清楚。之后,致电911。纳洛酮剂量并不总是足够的,而过量服用的人可能需要专业的医疗服务。

The bottom line

The safest way to avoid a dangerous or deadly fentanyl overdose is to have the mindset that any “prescription” pill you buy outside of a pharmacy or doctor's office is fake and can possibly kill you. But if you or someone you love uses drugs, you know stopping isn’t easy. If you need help getting off drugs, call the Opioid Assistance and Referral Line at 888-688-4222.

Be prepared to counteract a possible overdose by having naloxone on hand so you can administer it if someone shows signs of an overdose. You can get it at almost any pharmacy.


疼痛管理 预防毒药

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