Advise Me

10 Do’s and Don’ts for Helping a Friend Through Infertility and Pregnancy Loss

For many couples wanting to have children, the process of getting pregnant seems simple enough. Do the deed around the time of ovulation, and瞧!conception. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Despite what you may have been told in your sex ed class growing up, getting pregnant and even staying pregnant can be a struggle and invoke a myriad of emotions.

For couple Jenny and Bryan, their decision to have children started like many others. But after two years with no success, they went through fertility testing to find out there were “unknown reasons” for their inability to conceive. They underwent six rounds of IUI, a year-long emotional rollercoaster that Jenny said was grueling and all-consuming. After no success, Jenny and Bryan made the difficult decision to forgo any further treatment options.

詹妮回忆说:“即使我们已经讨论了我们要走多远以及我们想考虑的选择,但仍然存在如此巨大的损失感。”“我们想象的失去了未来 - 将我们的孩子带到迪士尼,看着他们长大。现在这不会发生。值得庆幸的是,我们的婚姻很牢固,我们拥有强大的支持系统,帮助我们度过了这一悲伤过程。”

The harsh reality about infertility and pregnancy loss


“Of all pregnancies, between 15% to 25% end in miscarriage, many in the first 12 weeks,” saidPooja Shah, MD, an OBGYN with横幅Health Centerin Chandler, AZ. “And 10% to 15% of couples can’t achieve pregnancy within the first year of trying.”

Infertility and pregnancy loss can be surprising, heartbreaking, isolating and even embarrassing. It’s a difficult journey, but it doesn’t have to be a solitary one.


How to support a friend or loved one

尽管没有关于如何通过不育和怀孕丧失来支持朋友或亲人的剧本,但仍有一些一般指南可以提供帮助。Jenny,Shah博士和Srinivas Dannaram医学博士,一名精神科医生横幅Thunderbird Medical Center在亚利桑那州格伦代尔(Glendale),分享有关通过不孕症支持朋友时该怎么做和不做的技巧。

What Not to Do and Say


Unless otherwise requested, resist the urge to provide advice or a prescription for next steps.

“Chances are that whoever has gone through this has tried everything under the sun—everything they want to try—so unsolicited advice isn’t helpful, even if it’s well-meaning,” Jenny said. “We had people in our lives who acted like we didn’t understand how babies were made because it was so easy for them.”

For example, avoid comments and questions such as these:

  • “Why don’t you adopt?”收养可能在桌上,但这不是一个简单的过程或所有人可用的过程。它也没有消除他们目前正在经历的痛苦。
  • “Have you considered IVF?”许多保险计划不涵盖IVF,因此对于某些人来说可能会过高。IVF也不能100%保证婴儿。
  • “Maybe stopping/doing XYZ will improve your chances?”不要责备是因为他们失去了婴儿或无法怀孕。怀孕无法正常工作。他们所做的任何事情都不太可能引起他们的不育问题。
2. Don’t ask about the cause(s) for the miscarriage or the reason for their infertility.






5. Stop speaking on the universe’s behalf.

No, their miscarriage or infertility wasn’t God’s plan or meant to be. Comments like these aren’t helpful—they’re hurtful. They imply your friend is not only infertile but that they also don’t deserve it or are being punished somehow.



所以me friends may be very vocal about their experience in public and on social media, while others prefer to keep things tight-lipped and handle within their close family unit.

“It’s important to know what’s OK and not OK for that couple,” Dr. Shah said. “Some couples are fine discussing; they’ve digested the information and feel comfortable talking about it. Whereas others may still be struggling emotionally to accept their loss. They may need more time to be in a better place to talk about it.”

2. Do listen and let them know you care.

不育和怀孕丧失可能是非常孤立的。对于某些人来说,他们可能会撤退一点。对于其他人,他们可能想谈论它。让您的朋友知道您在那里为他们,您关心他们。如果他们确实开放,请听 - 不要撬开或发表意愿。让他们发泄并感受到他们需要的感觉。



“Oftentimes when women go through infertility treatments that becomes so much of what they do and who they are at that time,” Dr. Shah said. “They don’t want to be asked questions. They want to go to work, go out to dinner with friends and not think about what they are obsessing about at home.”

Take your friend out to a movie, for a pedicure or just out for a coffee. But be understanding if your friend or loved one turns down the invitation. They may not be ready.

4. Do your own research.

Save your curious questions for Google. Read up about infertility and pregnancy loss, so you can better understand what they are going through. The美国心理协会and theNational Infertility Association是一个好地方。



,尊重他们的隐私。如果你的朋友或loved one confides in you about their challenges, don’t spread the news with others—even if those people are family.

“When people share these experiences, they are sharing with close friends to seek reassurance and support based on the quality of relationship they have,” Dr. Dannaram said. “Unless they’ve asked you to share with us, keeping news confidential is a supportive approach that lets them recover from grief and stress.”

Final word

Being there for your friend during this time is something they’ll appreciate more than you’ll ever know. Whether they are having difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant, being there with open hearts and open ears will strengthen your relationship and help them navigate this arduous journey.


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