

After learning about the death of someone from suicide, a silence falls as people often are left speechless. At the same time, questions flood your mind.

Fortunately, I have never lost someone close to me to suicide. The number of people who choose to take their own lives in the county where I live is high, however. That left me wondering about the people impacted by suicide. How do they come to terms with the loss? Where do they get help?

我伸出手主頁(欢迎您)横幅健康行为健康服务高级管理Shelly Cox,MS,LPC。Cox与科罗拉多州北部的评估和推荐团队合作,并解释了对受自杀影响的人的支持小组的好处。



Because of the nature of suicide it is important to share it with others who have been through it. A survivor’s support group offers a place to be understood and accepted. It can be an extremely helpful tool for the difficult task of healing and going on.



Do you have advice for people who want to provide support to a friend who has been impacted by suicide?

我的建议是使用他们所知道的关于他们的星期五end and how they like to be comforted. Sit with them, listen to them, put them to bed, feed them, vacuum the rug, help with the pets, answer the phone, sit with them in the sun, move them back out of the sun. Take your cues from what you know about them from before and help with the tasks of daily living. Listen, listen again and again. No judgment, no advice, only presence and acceptance and assistance.


How does grieving a death by suicide differ from other types of death?





了解更多有关横幅Health support groups在您所在地区可用,请访问www.apyuante.com/calendar

萨鲁德的精神 Depresión 安塞达德

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