
Cochlear Implants: A Gift of Sound


对于那些具有轻度或中度感觉性听力损失的人,助听器往往是最好的治疗方法。对于那些具有更严重听力损失的人,a耳蜗植入may help.



耳蜗是snail-shaped的一部分the inner ear that contains the hearing organ. Sensorineural hearing loss often occurs because the sensory cells in the cochlea, called hair cells, lose function. You can think of the sensory hair cells in the cochlea as the microphone of the ear, which then passes an electrical signal through a wire, the auditory nerve, to the brain. A cochlear implant works by bypassing the faulty microphone and directly stimulating the auditory nerve in order to restore hearing.

“耳蜗植入物是现代医学和工程的真正成功的故事。它们是第一个直接与神经系统和恢复功能直接接口的成功植入物,“说Nicholas Dewyer,MD,神经医生(内耳外科医生)Banner – University Medical Center Tucson具有耳朵障碍,听证和平衡系统的专业知识。“在局植入植入物之前,没有治疗可以恢复感觉文体听力损失的患者的听力。现在,这是我们经常做的事情。“

Dr. Dewyer answered some more questions about cochlear implants:




What is the process for getting a cochlear implant?


A cochlear implant evaluation involves both a medical assessment by an ear surgeon, called an otologist or neurotologist, and a hearing assessment by an audiologist. These assessments often include a number of different hearing tests, an ear exam and imaging of the inner ears.



The operation to place the internal component of the cochlear implant is done in the operating room under general anesthesia and generally takes about two hours. You can expect to go home on the day of surgery for recovery. About two weeks after surgery, you’ll see the surgeon again to make sure everything is healing up well and the audiologist to have your implant activated.


For the first few months after surgery, you’ll learn the basics of using and caring for the implant. And for the first year with the implant, you can also expect to see the audiologist frequently to check progress and fine tune the hearing settings. Learning to use it can be a slow process, but with commitment, you can have an improved quality of life.



Although cochlear implants are quite expensive (about $30,000), most insurers will pay for the implant and the surgery for patients who meet criteria. You’ll also want to consider maintenance costs for replacing parts like microphones and magnets. Some insurance plans cover these costs, so check with your insurance provider to find out exactly what is covered and what out-of-pocket expenses you may incur.


Cochlear implant surgery is quite routine and low risk for experienced surgeons, but as with all surgeries, there are some potential risks. Common symptoms after surgery, such as being off balance or noticing a change in how things taste, tend to be mild and resolve on their own in a few weeks.

“With an experienced cochlear implant surgeon, the risks of serious complications like injury to the facial nerve, which runs through the ear and controls movement of the face, or a serious post-operative infection are very low (far less than 1%),” Dr. Dewyer said. “Be sure to discuss any concerns you have with your surgeon before the procedure.”


That’s a great question, although only those who’ve received a cochlear implant know the answer to this one. Dr. Dewyer shared what his patients have noticed.

“Many cochlear implant users initially report that voices sound more high-pitched or cartoonish than they did with normal hearing,” Dr. Dewyer said. “However, over time, the brain amazingly adapts to the new sound quality and it becomes less noticeable. The average patient is able to use the phone with their cochlear implant. It can be truly life-changing for patients.”


What is a hybrid cochlear implant?

Ahybrid implant是一种相对较新的设计,将耳蜗植入物和助听器结合在同一侧。这些设备对于仍然具有良好低频听力的患者可能是有用的,但高频的严重听力损失。

“The idea is that the cochlear implant provides the high frequency signals and the hearing aid takes advantage of the residual acoustic hearing to provide a richer low frequency signal,” Dr. Dewyer said. “For certain patients, this can be an excellent hearing solution.”


If you use hearing aids and find that you’re still struggling with hearing, you might be a good candidate for a cochlear implant. Although it requires surgery to place the implant, the outpatient operation is routine and low-risk for patients of nearly all ages. For those with significant sensorineural hearing loss, a cochlear implant can restore hearing so that they may experience the sounds and hear the people in their lives.

If you or your loved one is struggling with hearing loss and you would like to learn more about treatment options, including cochlear implants, find a听证专家在你旁边。访问BannerHealth.com..

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